Adjunctive host-directed therapies for pulmonary tuberculosis: data from a prospective, open-label, phase 2, randomised controlled trial - Codebook

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The dataset was produced as part of a phase 2 randomised controlled trial of adults with pulmonary tuberculosis, conducted in South Africa (, NCT02968927). It consists of 9 data tables from n=199 participants, randomised and who had taken at least one dose of treatment.

  1. Adverse Event (AE) data
  2. Baseline data
  3. CRP measurement data
  4. Sputum culture results data
  5. PET CT Scan data
  6. Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) data
  7. Randomisation data
  8. Visit timings data
  9. Whole blood assay (WBA) data

Trial investigators and participants are committed to making anonymized patient-level data from this trial available to qualified researchers in a timely manner. Please contact us, including a description of the proposed research and your background, to begin this process.

Data codebook

1. Adverse Event (AE) data

Dataset on adverse event and serious adverse event report.

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
AE_No float %9.0g AE order by participant  
visitid int %8.0g Visit identifier 10=Day -3; 20=Day 0; 30=Day 1 , 40=Day 7; 50=Day14; 60=Day 21; 70=Day 28; 80=Day 35; 90=Day 42; 100=Day 56; 110=Day84; 120=Day 112, 130=Day 140; 140=Day 180; 150=Unscheduled 1; 160=Unscheduled 2; 170=Unscheduled 3; 180=Unscheduled 4; 190=Unscheduled 5; 200=Unscheduled 6; 210=Unscheduled 7; 220=Day 360; 230=Day 540
aetyp byte %28.0g Type of report 1 = New report; 2 = Update of an existing report; 3=Resolution
aeterm str71 %71s AE term Free text
aeser byte %8.0g Is AE serious? 0=No; 1=Yes
aeserious byte %18.0g AE seriousness 1=Death; 2 = Life threatening; 3 = Hospitalization; 4 = Disability; 5=Congenital anomaly
aeseverity byte %51.0g AE severity 1 = Mild; 2 = Moderate; 3=Severe (includes life-threating events and death)
rifab byte %18.0g AE relationship to rifabutin 1=Unrelated; 2=Possibly related; 3=Probably related; 4=Definitely related
adjuct byte %18.0g AE relationship to the intervention 1=Unrelated; 2=Possibly related; 3=Probably related; 4=Definitely related
aeexp byte %10.0g AE expected or unexpected? 1=Expected, 2=Unexpected
aeaction byte %8.0g AE action taken? 0=No; 1=Yes
sevles byte %8.0g Did the severity of the event lessen? 0=No; 1=Yes
aeles byte %8.0g Did the AE lessen? AELES
sevchng byte %18.0g AE severity change 1 = Severe to Moderate; 2 = Severe to Mild; 3=Moderate to mild
aeoutcome byte %41.0g AE outcome 1 = Ongoing; 2 = Resolved; 3 = Death; 4=Severity or frequency increased (report as new AE)
aetx byte %8.0g Was treatment provided? 0=No; 1=Yes
aemx byte %8.0g Was medication given? 0=No; 1=Yes
aehospital byte %8.0g Was participant hospitalised? 0=No; 1=Yes
aeothtr byte %8.0g Was other treatment required? 0=No; 1=Yes
aesusar byte %8.0g Is the AE classified as a Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR)? 0=No; 1=Yes
aetesa byte %8.0g Is the AE classified as a Treatment Emergent Serious AE (TESA)? 0=No; 1=Yes
onsetd float %9.0g Days from randomisation to AE onset days
outcd float %9.0g Days from randomisation to AE outcome days
repd float %9.0g Days from randomisation to AE report days

2. Baseline data

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
visitid int %8.0g Visit identifier 10=Day -3; 20=Day 0; 30=Day 1 , 40=Day 7; 50=Day14; 60=Day 21; 70=Day 28; 80=Day 35; 90=Day 42; 100=Day 56; 110=Day84; 120=Day 112, 130=Day 140; 140=Day 180; 150=Unscheduled 1; 160=Unscheduled 2; 170=Unscheduled 3; 180=Unscheduled 4; 190=Unscheduled 5; 200=Unscheduled 6; 210=Unscheduled 7; 220=Day 360; 230=Day 540
sex float %9.0g Gender 1=Male; 2=Female
agegrp byte %9.0g Age, grouped 1=18-24yrs; 2=25-34yrs; 3=35-44yrs; 4= 45-64 yrs
country byte %12.0g Country of birth 1=South Africa; 2= Lesotho; 4= Mozambique; 7=Zimbabwe
ethnic byte %14.0g Ethnicity 1=Black/African; 2=Other
marital byte %21.0g Marital status 1=Single, never married; 2=Married/Cohabitating; 3=other
employ byte %18.0g Employment status 1=Employment full-time; 2 = Employed part-time;
3 = Student/scholar/learner;  4 = Retired/pensioner;  5=Unemployed; 9 = Other, specify
ht float %9.0g Height measured in metres
wt float %9.0g Weight measured in kg
bmi float %9.0g Body mass index generated by the system measured in m/kg2
bmigrp_calc float %9.0g BMI in categories 1=<18.5; 2=18.5-24.9; 3=25-29.9; 4=30+
Smok_Hist float %9.0g History of smoking 0=No; 1=Yes
diam byte %18.0g Total cavity diameter 1=0 cm; 2=between 0 and 4 cm; 3=≥4 cm
grad byte %19.0g Radiographic extent of disease 1=minimal; 2 =moderately advanced; 3=far advanced
fvc float %9.0g fvc Litres
fev1p int %8.0g fev percentage Percentage
postime_base float %9.0g Time to positivity of liquid culture result (minimum of day -3 and day 0) in hours
CtProbeMin float %9.0g CT probe value minimum for Day -3 Xpert specimen (lowest for all five probes)  
CtProbeMea float %9.0g CT probe value mean for Day -3 Xpert specimen (for all five probes)  

3. CRP measurement data

NB: Some observations are missing because CRP test was not performed as sample was not taken at visit.

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
visitid int %8.0g Visit identifier 10=Day -3; 20=Day 0; 30=Day 1 , 40=Day 7; 50=Day14; 60=Day 21; 70=Day 28; 80=Day 35; 90=Day 42; 100=Day 56; 110=Day84; 120=Day 112, 130=Day 140; 140=Day 180; 150=Unscheduled 1; 160=Unscheduled 2; 170=Unscheduled 3; 180=Unscheduled 4; 190=Unscheduled 5; 200=Unscheduled 6; 210=Unscheduled 7; 220=Day 360; 230=Day 540
crp float %9.0g C-Reactive Protein mg/L

4. Sputum culture results data

Note: Some results are missing because: 1. A visit was missed by participant, 2. Sample spoilt due to different reasons, 3 Sample going missing.

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
L7 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 7 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S7 str1 %9s Solid culture day 7 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L14 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 14 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S14 str1 %9s Solid culture day 14 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L21 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 21 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S21 str1 %9s Solid culture day 21 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L28 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 28 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S28 str1 %9s Solid culture day 28 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L35 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 35 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S35 str1 %9s Solid culture day 35 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L42 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 42 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S42 str1 %9s Solid culture day 42 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L56 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 56 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S56 str1 %9s Solid culture day 56 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L84 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 84 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S84 str1 %9s Solid culture day 84 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L112 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 112 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S112 str1 %9s Solid culture day 112 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L140 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 140 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S140 str1 %9s Solid culture day 140 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L180 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 180 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S180 str1 %9s Solid culture day 180 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L360 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 360 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S360 str1 %9s Solid culture day 360 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
L540 str1 %9s Liquid culture day 540 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
S540 str1 %9s Solid culture day 540 P=Positive, N=Negative, U=Unable to produce, C=Contaminated
Liquid_Stable float %9.0g Did participant reach liquid culture conversion? 0=No, 1=Yes
Liquid_TimeToStability int %10.0g Time to liquid culture conversion In days
Solid_Stable float %9.0g Did participant reach solid culture conversion? 0=No, 1=Yes
Solid_TimeToStability int %10.0g Time to solid culture conversion In days

5. PET CT Scan data

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
peakSUVbwD1 double %14.2f Peak glycolytic activity on day 1  
maxSUVbwD1 double %14.2f Maximum glycolytic activity on day 1  
totalSUVbwD1 int %14.2f Total glycolytic activity on day 1  
totalmHUD1 double %10.0g Radiodensity on day 1  
peakSUVbwD56 double %td Peak glycolytic activity on day 56  
maxSUVbwD56 double %14.2f Maximum glycolytic activity on day 56  
totalSUVbwD56 int %14.2f Total glycolytic activity on day 56  
totalmHUD56 double %14.2f Radiodensity on day 56  

6. Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) data

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
visitid int %8s Visit identifier 10=Day -3; 20=Day 0; 30=Day 1 , 40=Day 7; 50=Day14; 60=Day 21; 70=Day 28; 80=Day 35; 90=Day 42; 100=Day 56; 110=Day84; 120=Day 112, 130=Day 140; 140=Day 180; 150=Unscheduled 1; 160=Unscheduled 2; 170=Unscheduled 3; 180=Unscheduled 4; 190=Unscheduled 5; 200=Unscheduled 6; 210=Unscheduled 7; 220=Day 360; 230=Day 540
pft byte %8.0g Was a pulmonary function test done at this visit? 0=No; 1=Yes
pef float %9.0g Peak expiratory flow Litres/second
fvc float %9.0g Forced vital capacity Litres
fev1 float %9.0g Forced expiratory volume in one second Litres
fev1p int %8.0g FEV1 as a percentage of the predicted value Percentage (%)
fev float %9.0g Forced expiratory volume Litres
inter str24 %24s Interpretation Free text
reprod byte %8.0g Are results reproducible? 0=No; 1=Yes

7. Randomisation data

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
Arm byte %13.0g Treatment allocation arm 1=Standard treatment; 2=CC-1105, 3=Everolimus; 4=Auranofin; 5=Ergocalciferol
mITT float %9s Modified intentiion to treat population 0=No; 1=Yes
Per_Protocol float %9s Per-protocol population 0=No; 1=Yes

8. Visit timings data

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
visitid int %8.0g Visit identifier 10=Day -3; 20=Day 0; 30=Day 1 , 40=Day 7; 50=Day14; 60=Day 21; 70=Day 28; 80=Day 35; 90=Day 42; 100=Day 56; 110=Day84; 120=Day 112, 130=Day 140; 140=Day 180; 150=Unscheduled 1; 160=Unscheduled 2; 170=Unscheduled 3; 180=Unscheduled 4; 190=Unscheduled 5; 200=Unscheduled 6; 210=Unscheduled 7; 220=Day 360; 230=Day 540
visdays float %9.0g Days from enrolment to visit date days

9. Whole blood assay (WBA) data

Note: Some results missing because; 1. A visit was missed by a participant, 2. A series of results deemed unreliable were excluded.

Variable name Variable type Display format Variable description Response code and description
newid float %9.0g Participant study identifier  
TotEffd42 double %10.0g Total effect at day 42 Mtb log CFU
MaxEffd42 double %10.0g Maximum effect at day 42 Mtb log CFU per day
TotEffd84 double %10.0g Total effect at day 84 Mtb log CFU
MaxEffd84 double %10.0g Maximum effect at day 84 Mtb log CFU per day
TotEffd140 double %10.0g Total effect at day 140 Mtb log CFU
MaxEffd140 double %10.0g Maximum effect at day 140 Mtb log CFU per day