Ebola Gbalo: Building Resilient Health Systems in post-Ebola Sierra Leone - File Description

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Data description

Qualitative data collected during a study titled Building Resilient Health Systems in post-Ebola Sierra Leone. It consists of a set of interview transcripts that explore national, district and sub-district health systems responses to Ebola and ethnographic fieldnotes that detail chiefdom and village level responses to Ebola, in Bo and Moyamba districts.

File description

Files 1 – 12 contain transcripts and/or fields notes made by the researchers during the investigation of village experiences and response to Ebola. Files 13-14 contain hospital admission and testing details for Bo and Moyamba districts.

No Filename Description Extent
1 Village_1A Focus group discussion with 8 people who have various occupations and roles within village 1A. Topics covered include: how and when they learnt of Ebola, how they describe Ebola to a child, belief in government guidance on limiting Ebola transmission, transmission patterns and community reaction. 5 pages
2 Village_1B Notes on visit to Village 1B. Text outlines how Ebola was transmitted and steps taken to attempt to contain its spread. Description is provided in note form, no transcripts were produced. 1 page
3 Village_1C_part1 Transcript of focus group discussion with 10 people from Village 1C in attendance. Discussion covered attendee knowledge on Ebola, when they learned about it, and influence upon their lives and community. 2 pages
4 Village_1C_part2 Interview notes on discussion with teacher. Discussion covered the interaction with family, quarantine process, caring for the sick and dying. 4 pages
5 Village_1D Interview with wife of a deceased male who owned a pharmacy in Village 1D, a female Ebola survivor, and a male Ebola survivor. 5 pages
6 Village_2A Focus group discussion with 13 people in attendance, 2 of whom are described as Ebola survivors and 6 who have had relatives die as a result of Ebola. 3 pages
7 Village_2B Notes from meeting with staff at a health Post in Village 2B 3 pages
8 Village_2C Transcript of interview with Community Health Officer on village experience and response to Ebola in Village 2C and surrounding villages. 5 pages
9 Village_2D Transcript of focus group discussion with participants from village 2D. 11 pages
10 Village_3A Field Notes on chain of Ebola infection in Villages 3A and 3B 3 pages
11 Village_3B Statement by town chief 1 page
12 Village_3C Description of researcher visit to village 3C as part of investigation of the Ebola infection chain.  1 page
13 Moyamba_Holding_Centre_admission_records Case records from Moyamba holding centre 245 rows
14 Bo_and_Moyamba_tested_cases_by_chiefdom_and_date Tested case numbers from Bo and Moyamba districts, by chiefdom and date 315 rows