MAISHA Cluster Randomised Trial - Couples Survey Data - Dataset Codebook

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Data Description

This dataset comprises 1,049 records (each pertaining to one woman and, where applicable, her male partner), and contains a subset of variables from the women's baseline survey, women's follow-up survey and male partner's survey. NB: A second trial of the same MAISHA intervention was conducted among women not receiving microfinance (MAISHA component B). Data pertaining to that trial are not included in this record. Each record corresponds to data from one woman and, where applicable, her male partner

Access conditions

Access to this dataset is restricted to protect study participants. Access may be provided to anonymised data for use in ethically approved research that complies with the consent conditions. Researchers wishing to obtain the dataset must submit an access request, outlining the research purpose in which it will be used, ethics approvals obtained, and list the specific variables requested. The request will be evaluated by a study committee and, if approved, a data transfer agreement for signing prior to being provided with the dataset. Any participant-identifiable information contained within the dataset will be removed or disguised prior to being provided. Publications and presentations arising from use of the data should include the following disclaimer: The author(s) is/are not part of the MAISHA study team and had no part in the design or conduct of the MAISHA study. The data analysis presented here was conducted by the author(s) independently from the MAISHA study team, and the inferences, views and opinions expressed represent those of the author(s) alone. The MAISHA team have had no role in this analysis, or the writing of this paper. The paper has not been read or approved by any member of the MAISHA study team prior to publication.

Variables used in the published analysis of the woman and partners’ dataset

Variables derived (and questionnaire items used without modification) for the analysis this dataset pertains to are listed and described below)#. Whether or not specific variables contain data will depend on which surveys the woman completed (baseline and/or follow-up), whether or not her partner was interviewed, and whether or not filter questions required her/him to skip certain questions. The column entitled ‘Variable applies to:’ relates to the variable level rather than record level – for example, where ‘Male partner interviewed’ is recorded in this column, the variable will only be populated with data in records where the woman’s male partner was interviewed; where ‘All women with follow-up data’ is entered, the variable will only contain data in records where the woman completed the follow-up interview. Variable names correspond to survey question numbers and are coded as indicated in the survey questionnaires.
Variable name Number Type Variable applies to: Value labels/range Variable description
mitu_studyid 1,049 string All women Female respondent ID. This ID number has been resorted and replaced following data submission
interview 1,049 Numeric All women
  • 1=Only has follow-up data
  • 2=Has baseline and follow-up data
  • 3=Only has baseline data
  • 4=Consented, but no data collected
Surveys completed by the woman
intervention 1,049 Numeric All women
  • 0=Control
  • 1=Intervention
Trial arm
f_staffcode 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data 1-5; 10-12 Interviewer ID number
curr_partner 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Yes
  • 2=No
Woman reported having a current partner in follow-up survey
womanconsentsbin 790 Numeric Women with a partner at follow-up
  • 0=No consent
  • 1=Consented
Does interviewee consent for male partner to be invited to take part in male survey
male_interviewbin 512 Numeric Women who consented for their partner to be invited to take part in male survey
  • 0=No
  • 1=Yes
Male partner interviewed
malestatus 790 Numeric Women with a partner at follow-up
  • 1=Woman refused
  • 2=Woman consented but man not interviewed
  • 3=Man interviewed
Status regarding consent and completion of male partner’s interview
Variables derived from the women’s surveys
f_age 919 Numeric All women with follow-up data 20-75 Woman’s age (placed into 5 year categories)
f_currmaritalstatus 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman currently married/living as married? (Generated from f_que200)
f_que202 773 Numeric Women with follow-up data - with a partner in the past 12 months
  • 1=Yes
  • 2=No
Woman’s current/most recent partner is the same partner woman had when interviewed at baseline
f_manhasotherwife 751 Numeric Women with follow-up data - with a partner in the past 12 months
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Male partner has another wife/other wives in addition to female respondent (as reported by the woman) (From b_que212 if has same partner at follow-up as at baseline, otherwise from f_que204)
f_partneragecat3 750 Numeric Women with follow-up data - with a partner in the past 12 months
  • 1=<30yrs
  • 2=40-49yrs
  • 3=50+yrs
  • 4=Don’t know
Age of male partner as reported by female respondent (From b_que214 if same partner as at baseline, otherwise from f_que206)
b_educcat 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=None/incomplete primary
  • 2=Completed primary
  • 3=Attended secondary or higher
Woman’s highest level of education (categorical variable) (Recoded from b_que206)
b_educbin 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Completed primary/below
  • 2=Above primary
Woman has above primary level education (binary) (Recoded from b_que206)
f_nochildren 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=At least one child
  • 2=No children
Woman has at least one child up to the age of 18 years
f_monthlyincometotal4 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Lowest income quartile
  • 2=2nd income quartile
  • 3=3rd income quartile
  • 4=4th income quartile
  • 5=Doesn’t earn
  • 6=Don’t know
Woman’s monthly income quartile (determined from f_monthlyincometotal from this sample of women completing follow-up)
f_relativeincome 797 Numeric Women with follow-up data who have had a partner in the past 12 months
  • 1=Less than/same as partner
  • 2=more than partner
  • 3=No partner
Woman contributes more financially to the household than her partner does (woman’s self-report) (from f_que334, but coded as 1 if answers “2” to f_que301)
f_que324 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Yes
  • 2=No
Woman currently borrowing money from BRAC (microfinance provider)
f_hardship 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 0=No hardship
  • 1=Experienced hardship
Household experienced financial hardship in past year (as reported by female respondent) (Answers ‘a few times’ or ‘many times’ to f_que332a AND · EITHER answers ‘a few times’ or ‘many times’ to any of f_que332b, f_que332c, f_que332d, f_que332e, f_que332f · OR answers ‘once’ to at least two of f_que332b, f_que332c, f_que332d, f_que332e, f_que332f
f_poormentalhealth 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Poor mental health (scored 8+ on SRQ20)
  • 0=No (<8)
Woman screens positive for poor mental health using the WHO SRQ20 measure (score of 8 or more out of 20 questions) (Answers ‘yes’ to at least 8 of f_que401a to f_que401s)
f_que411 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Ever
  • 2=Never
Woman has ever drunk an alcohol containing beverage in the past 12 months
f_partnerdrunk 786 Numeric Women with follow-up data who have had a partner in the past year
  • 1=Never/partner doesn’t drink
  • 2=Once/a few times
  • 3=Many times
How often woman has seen partner drunk in the past 12 months (reported by woman) (from f_que415 and f_que416)
f_commscorebin 938 Numeric Women with follow-up data who have had a partner in the past year
  • 1=Good communication
  • 0=Poor communication
Woman has discussed with her male partner all of the below ‘a few times’ or ‘many times’ in the past 12 months: · Things that happened in her day · Things that happened in his day · Her worries or feelings · His worries or feelings (from f_que600a to f_que600d)
f_confident 790 Numeric Women with follow-up data who have had a partner in the past year
  • 1=Very confident
  • 0=Not confident/confident but would need to be encouraged
Woman’s confidence to express an opinion different to that of partner’s (from f_que602)
f_attviolencebin 938 Numeric All women with follow-up data
  • 1=Attitudes accepting of violence
  • 0=Attitudes not accepting of violence
Woman’s attitudes accepting of violence (Answers ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ to any of f_que501a, f_que501b, f_que501c, f_que501e, f_que501f, f_que501g)
b_childseverephys 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Ever
  • 0=Never
Woman experienced severe physical abuse by a household member as a child (from b_que701d)
b_csa 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Ever
  • 0=Never
Woman experienced sexual abuse by a household member as a child (if experienced any of b_que701e to b_que701h)
b_childsexphyssev 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Ever
  • 0=Never
Woman experienced sexual or severe physical abuse by a household member as a child (if experienced any of b_que701d to b_que701h)
b_childwitnessipvbin 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Ever
  • 0=Never
Woman saw parent/household member being beaten as a child (from b_que700g)
b_childadverse 1,021 Numeric All women with baseline data
  • 1=Ever
  • 0=Never
Woman experienced sexual or severe physical abuse by a household member as a child, or witnessed parent/household member being beaten as a child (if experienced any of b_que701d to b_que701h, or experienced b_que700g)
f_everphys 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman ever experienced physical IPV by a partner (Answered ‘yes’ to any of f_que616a to f_que616f)
f_phys12 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced physical IPV by a partner in past year (Answered ‘yes’ to any of f_que617a to f_que617f)
f_eversex 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman ever experienced sexual IPV by a partner (Answered ‘yes to any of f_que621a to f_que621c)
f_sex12 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced sexual IPV by a partner in past year (Answered ‘yes’ to any of f_que622a to f_que622c)
f_eversexphys 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman ever experienced physical or sexual IPV by a partner (‘yes’ to f_everphys or f_eversex)
f_sexphys12 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced physical or sexual IPV by a partner in past year (‘yes to f_phys12 or f_sex12)
f_phys12_currpart 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced physical IPV by current partner in past year (from f_phys12 and f_que620)
f_sex12_currpart 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced sexual IPV by current partner in past year (from f_sex12 and f_que625)
f_sexphys12_currpart 936 Numeric Women with follow-up data - ever-partnered (all)
  • 1=Yes
  • 0=No
Woman experienced physical or sexual IPV by current partner in past year (from f_phys12_currpart and f_sex12_currpart)
Variables derived from male partner’s survey
p_age 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed 20-80 Male partner’s age (in 5 year categories)
p_agecat 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=19-39yrs
  • 2=40-49yrs
  • 3=50+yrs
Male partner’s age - categorical
p_reldurcat 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=10+yrs
  • 2=5-9.99yrs
  • 3=Less than 5yrs
Duration of relationship (male partner’s report) (from p_que400y)
p_currmaritalstatus 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 2=Married
  • 3=Living together
  • 4=Not married/living together
Male partner’s marital status (from p_que401)
p_manhasotherwife 423 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=One wife/not married at all
  • 1=More than one wife
Male partner has more than one wife (from p_que404)
p_que501 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=Yes
  • 2=No
Male partner has biological children
p_que504 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=Yes
  • 2=No
Male partner has non-biological children living in household
p_educcat 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=None/incomplete primary
  • 2=Completed primary
  • 3=Attended secondary or higher
Male partner’s education – categorical (from p_que108)
p_educbin 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=Completed primary/below
  • 2=Aboveprimary
Male partner’s education – binary (from p_que108)
p_employment 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Hasn’t personally earned money in past year
  • 1=Self-employed
  • 2=Works for someone else
  • 3=Self-employed and works for someone else
Male partner’s employment status (from p_que110 and p_que111)
p_monthlyincquartile 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=1st quartile (Lowest)
  • 2=2nd quartile
  • 3=3rd quartile
  • 4=4th quartile
  • 5=Doesn’t earn
Male partner’s monthly income quartile (determined from p_monthlyincome from this sample of male partners)
p_hardship 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=No
  • 1=Yes
Household experienced financial hardship in past year (as reported by male partner) (Answers ‘a few times’ or ‘many times’ to p_que115a AND · EITHER answers ‘a few times’ or ‘many times’ to any of p_que115b, p_que115c, p_que115d, p_que115e, p_que115f · OR answers ‘once’ to at least two of p_que115b, p_que115c, p_que115d, p_que115e, p_que115f
p_poormentalhealth 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=No
  • 1=Yes
Male partner screens positive for poor mental health using the WHO SRQ20 measure (score of 8 or more out of 20 questions) (Answers ‘yes’ to at least 8 of p_que200a to p_que200s)
p_attviolencebin 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Attitudes not accepting of violence
  • 1=Attitudes accepting of violence
Attitudes accepting of violence (Answers ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ to any of p_que300h, p_que300i, p_que300j, p_que300l, p_que300m, p_que300n
p_alcoholfreq 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=<2-3 times per week
  • 2=2-3 times per week or more
Frequency with which male partner drinks alcohol (during past 12 months) (from p_que207 and p_que208)
p_alcoholfreqbin 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner drinks alcohol (during past 12 months) (from p_alcoholfreq)
p_sevbeatenaschild 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner experienced severe physical abuse by a household member as a child (from p_que601d)
p_csa 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner experienced sexual abuse by a household member as a child (if experienced any of p_que601e to p_que601h)
p_childabuse 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner experienced sexual or severe physical abuse by a household member as a child (if experienced any of p_que601d to p_que601h)
p_witnessipv 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner saw parent/household member being beaten as a child (from p_que600h)
p_childadverse 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 0=Never
  • 1=Ever
Male partner experienced sexual or severe physical abuse by a household member as a child, or witnessed parent/household member being beaten as a child (if experienced any of p_que601d to p_que601h, or experienced p_que600h)
Variables derived from women and mens’ data combined
c_agegapbin 415 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=Man more than 5 years older
  • 2=Man 5 years older or less (including same age or younger)
Age gap between male partner and female respondent (p_age – f_age)
c_educbin 415 Numeric Male partner interviewed
  • 1=Neither educated above primary
  • 2=She is educated above primary/he isn’t
  • 3=He is educated above primary/she isn’t
  • 4=Both educated above primary
Relative education of male partner and female respondent (from b_educbin and p_educbin)
c_incomequartile 406 Numeric Male partner interviewed – living as married with partner
  • 1=lowest quartile
  • 2=2nd quartile
  • 3=3rd quartile
  • 4=Highest quartile
Combined income quartile – based upon Combined monthly income of female respondent and male partner (TZA shillings) (derived from C_income)
c_anyhardship 425 Numeric Male partner interviewed – living as married with partner
  • 1=Either/both report hardship
  • 2=Neither report hardship
Either man or woman report household level financial hardship, versus neither reporting it (from f_hardship and p_hardship)