Dataset produced as a result of two cross-sectional surveys investigating metabolic outcomes in urban and rural locations in Uganda. Each row represents one participant. Variables include data on location of residence (urban versus rural), metabolic parameters (including HOMA-IR, blood pressure, blood glucose) and socio-demographic characteristics.
Variable name | Variable description | Value labels |
setting | Study setting | 0=Rural, 1=Urban |
age | Age (years) | |
agegp | Age groups | 0=10-19 years, 1=20-29 years, 2=30-39 years, 3=40+ years |
sex | Sex | 0=Female, 1=Male |
inter | Interviewed | 1=Yes, 2=No |
rea | If not interviewed, what reason? | 1=Absent at school, 2=Absent for work, 3=Absent for other reasons, 4=Unwell, 5=Refused, 6=Other |
occpcat | What is your main occupation? | 1=Child/student, 2=Housewife, 3=Fishing or lake-related, 4=Shops, salons, artisans or service providers, 5=Bars, restaurants, food providers or entertainment, 6=Agriculture, lumbering or charcoal, 7=Professional, 8=Unemployed, 9=other |
trmcat | What tribe is your mother from? | 0=Central, 1=Western, 2=Eastern, 3=Northern, 4=Non-Ugandan, 5=Don't know |
trfcat | What tribe is your father from? | 0=Central, 1=Western, 2=Eastern, 3=Northern, 4=Non-Ugandan, 5=Don't know |
vil | Have you always lived in this village? | 0=No, 1=Yes |
vilbnew | Where did you live when you were born? | 0=Village, 1=Town or city |
vilanew | What age were you when you moved to this village? | 0=0-9 years, 1=10-19 years, 2=20-29 years, 3=30-39 years, 4=40+ years |
vil5new | Where did you live for most of the time between birth and age five years? | 0=Village, 1=Town or city |
wm | Have you ever been treated for worms? | 0=No, 1=Yes |
alb12 | How many times have you been treated with albendazole in the last 12 months? | 0=No, 1=Yes, 9=Don't know |
pz12 | How many times have you been treated with praziquantel (for Bilharzia) in the last 12 months? | 0=No, 1=Yes, 9=Don't know |
lak1 | How often do you go in the lake for any reason (e.g. to swim, bathe, play, wash clothes or collect water?) | 0=Every day, 1=Almost every day, 2=Once a week, 3=Once a month 4=Less than once a month |
exc1 | How often do you exercise so much that you get out of breath (e.g. playing, hurrying to school or work, doing chores or digging, doing sports)? | 0=Less than once a month, 1=Every day, 2=almost every day, 3=Once a week, 4=Once a month |
hbp | Are you a known patient with High Blood Pressure? | 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Don't know |
dmp | Are you a known patient with Diabetes? | 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=Don't know |
smok | Have you ever smoked (either pipe or cigarette)? | 0=No, 1=Yes |
alcoh | Have you ever taken alcohol? | 0=No, 1=Yes |
kas | Schistosoma mansoni infection status, stool Kato-Katz | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
kaa | Ascaris lumbricoides infection status, stool Kato-Katz | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
kah | Hookworm infection status, stool Kato-Katz | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
kat | Trichuris trichiura infection status, stool Kato-Katz | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
kascat | Schistosoma mansoni infection intensity, stool Kato-Katz | 0=Uninfected, 1=Light infection, 2=Moderate infection, 3=Heavy infection |
nares | Hookworm (Necator americanus) infection status, stool PCR | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
smres | Schistosoma mansoni infection status, stool PCR | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
ssres | Strongyloides stercoralis infection status, PCR | 0=Uninfected, 1=Infected |
mfilcat | Mansonella perstans infection | 0=Negative, 1=Positive |
anyworm | Infected with at least one of the helminths tested | 0=No, 1=Yes |
cholesterol2 | Fasting serum total cholesterol level (mmol/L) | |
ldl_c | Fasting serum LDL-cholesterol level (mmol/L) | |
hdl_c3 | Fasting serum HDL-cholesterol level (mmol/L) | |
triglyceride | Fasting serum triglyceride level (mmol/L) | |
glucose | Fasting plasma glucose level (mmol/L) | |
homair | Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance | |
dbpnew | Mean diastolic pressure (mmHg) | |
sbpnew | Mean systolic pressure (mmHg) | |
bphighnew2 | Hypertension | 0=No, 1=Yes |
prehyp | Prehypertension | 0=No, 1=Yes |
bmi | Body Mass Index | |
bmiobese | Obese (BMI ≥ 30) | 0=No, 1=Yes |
bmioverwt | Overweight (BMI 25.0 – 29.9) | 0=No, 1=Yes |
bmiunderwt | Underweight (BMI <18.5) | 0=No, 1=Yes |
abdob | Central (abdominal) obesity (WC≥94cm males, WC ≥80cm females) | 0=Normal, 1=Abdominal Obese |
mets | Metabolic syndrome | 0=No, 1=Yes |
wc | Waist circumference (centimetres) | |
whratio | Waist-hip ratio | |
whob | Central (abdominal) obesity (WHR>0.9 males, WHR>0.85 females) | 0=Normal, 1=Obese |
dm2 | Diabetes (fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7 mmol/L) | 0=No, 1=Yes |
predm | Impaired fasting glucose (fasting plasma glucose 6.1 - 6.9 mmol/L) | 0=No, 1=Yes |