A seroepidemiological study of serogroup A meningococcal infection in the African meningitis belt – User Guide

Persistent identifier


Alternative title

Une étude séro-épidémiologique de l' infection à méningocoque du sérogroupe A dans la ceinture africaine de la méningite


Olivier Manigart, Caroline Trotter,  Helen Findlow, Abraham Assefa,  Wude Mihret, Tesfaye Moti Demisse,  Biruk Yeshitela, Isaac Osei,  Abraham Hodgson,  Stephen Laryea Quaye, Samba Sow,  Mamadou Coulibaly,  Kanny Diallo,  Awa Traore,  Jean-Marc Collard,  Rahamatou Moustapha Boukary, Oumarou Djermakoye, Ali Elhaji Mahamane, Jean-François Jusot, Cheikh Sokhna,  Serge Alavo, Souleymane  Doucoure, El Hadj Ba,  Mariétou Dieng,  Aldiouma Diallo,  Doumagoum Moto Daugla, Babatunji Omotara, Daniel Chandramohan, Musa Hassan-King,  Maria Nascimento,  Arouna Woukeu, Ray Borrow,  James M Stuart, Brian Greenwood


The dataset contains results of a cross-sectional survey of meningococcal carriage and immunity performed in several countries of the African meningitis belt in 2010. A standardised enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for measuring meningococcal serogroup A IgG antibodies was used to measure antibody concentrations in 3930 individuals. Anonymised information on the age, sex, residence, carriage status and other risk factors is included.

Data collection methods

Cross-sectional meningococcal carriage surveys were conducted in seven countries across the meningitis belt between July 1st 2010 and December 31st 2010. Subjects were selected randomly from within populations which were part of a routine demographic survey system (DHSS) or in which a census had recently been performed.  The study population was recruited from urban and rural populations and stratified into four age groups:  < 5 years, 5-14 years, 15-29 years and 30 years or older. A short questionnaire collecting demographic details and information on potential risk factors was completed for each participant and each household recrtuited. Blood samples were collected from the first 100 subjects surveyed within each of the four age bands in both urban and rural study sites, giving an overall target of 800 samples per country.  This target was achieved, except in Senegal where there was some resistance to the collection of blood samples. A 5 mL sample was collected, serum separated within six hours of collection and then stored at -20°C until assayed.

Full details of the methods used in the MenAfriCar project are reported in the following publications:

Data analysis and preparation

Data from the central MenAfriCar database were imported to Stata. Data collected from questionnaires were matched to laboratory results to create a database that contained individual level and household level information, together with carriage status and ELISA results using the participant identification number. Data processing steps are recorded in a Stata do-file. The clean dataset was used for analysis, again recorded in a Stata do-file.

Geographic regions

Africa, specifically Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal.

Key dates

The MenAfriCar project ran between 2009 and 2015. The data used in this study were collected between July 1st 2010 and December 31st 2010.

Quality controls

Each centre was trained to use common Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and subsequently monitored to formally assess their adherence. Data were entered through a Teleform system which incorporated quality checks as part of the process. Data in the central database were checked manually, with follow-up requests made to ensure data completion/ quality. These are described fully in the methods paper cited above.

The ELISA was implemented using common SOPs and reagents following training. Each centre had to pass a quality control test on ~50 samples before proceeding to routine testing, as described by Manigart O et al, A seroepidemiological study of serogroup A meningococcal infection in the African meningitis belt. PLOS One 2016. During the course of testing, monitoring of key values was performed by a resident scientist.


Human population


Each participant was assigned a unique identification number, which was used to label questionnaires and specimens throughout so that names were not used. Any names uploaded onto the local database were removed on importation to the central database.


The study was approved by the LSHTM Ethics Committee and by ethics committees based in each of the African partner countries (see table).

Country Ethical review board
Ethiopia AHRI-ALERT Ethics Review Committee
Ghana Navrongo Health Research Centre Institutional Review Board
Mali Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bamako
Niger National Ethics Committee of Niger
Nigeria Research and Ethics Committee of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital
Senegal National Ethics Committee for Health Research
Chad Special committee of the Ministry of Health


Meningitis, Neisseria meningitidis, ELISA, antibody, seroprevalence

Language of written material


Additional Information

The survey was performed prior to the introduction of data sharing requirements and was not addressed in the original participant consent form. The study team applied to LSHTM Ethics for permission to upload an anonymised dataset to a repository and make it available via request access. LSHTM Ethics Committee approved the request in January 2016, indicating it was in keeping with the intent of the original consent process.

Project Information

Project title Funder/sponsor Grant Number
African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium (MenAfriCar) Wellcome Trust 086546
African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium (MenAfriCar) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP51251

Associated Roles

Role Forename Surname Faculty / Dept Institution
Data creator, Project Leader Brian Greenwood Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator, Contact person Caroline Trotter Dept Veterinary Medicine University of Cambridge, UK
Data creator, Work Package Leader Olivier Manigart Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator Helen Findlow Vaccine Evaluation Unit Public Health England, UK
Data creator Abraham Assefa   Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Data creator Wude Mihret   Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Data creator Tesfaye Moti Demisse   Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Data creator Biruk Yeshitela   Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Data creator Isaac Osei   Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana; 
Data creator Abraham Hodgson   Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana; 
Data creator Stephen Laryea Quaye   Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana; 
Data creator Samba Sow   Centre pour les Vaccins en Développement, Bamako, Mali
Data creator Mamdou Coulibaly   Centre pour les Vaccins en Développement, Bamako, Mali
Data creator Kanny Diallo   Centre pour les Vaccins en Développement, Bamako, Mali
Data creator Awa Traore   Centre pour les Vaccins en Développement, Bamako, Mali
Data creator Jean-Marc Collard   Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire (CERMES), Niamey, Niger
Data creator Rahamatou  Moustapha Boukary   Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire (CERMES), Niamey, Niger
Data creator Oumarou Djermakoye   Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire (CERMES), Niamey, Niger
Data creator Ali Elhaji Mahane   Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire (CERMES), Niamey, Niger
Data creator Jean-Francois Jusot   Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire (CERMES), Niamey, Niger
Data creator Cheikh Sokhna   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator Serge Alavo   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator Souleymane Doucoure   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator El Hadj Ba   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator Marietou Dieng   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator Aldioumo Diallo   Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Dakar, Senegal
Data creator Doumagoum Moto Daugla   Centre de Support en Santé International (CSSI), N'Djamena, Chad
Data creator Babatunji Omotara Department of Community Medicine University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Data creator Daniel Chandramohan Faculty of Infectious Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator Musa Hassan-King Faculty of Infectious Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator Maria Nascimento Faculty of Infectious Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator Arouna Woukeu Faculty of Infectious Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Data creator Ray Borrow Vaccine Evaluation Unit Public Health England
Data creator James Stuart Faculty of Infectious Diseases London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

File Description

Filename Description Access status Licence
MenAfriCar_ELISA Dataset contains a line list of results comprising personal id, household id, age, sex, country, rural or urban site, crowding, people per room, meningococcal carriage status, strain details, commensal Neisseria carriage status, recent vaccination history, serogroup A specific IgG ELISA antibody concentration Controlled Data sharing agreement
MenAfriCar_ELISA_codebook Codebook for dataset Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
Adult_Questionnaire Questionnaire to be applied to adults aged 15 years or older Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
Children_Questionnaire Questionnaire to be answered by parents or guardians of children and adolescent subjects aged less than 15 years old Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
Household_Questionnaire Questionnaire to be applied to Head of Household Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
ConsentFormAdults Consent form used for adult survey Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)
0034_UserGuide User guide for dataset (this document) Open Creative Commons Attribution (CCBY)