Data for: Rapid Assessment of Hearing Loss survey in Malawi

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Data produced as part of a study to determine the prevalence and causes of hearing loss in people aged 50+ in Ntcheu District, Malawi. Each row refers to a participant in the study. This study also included a pilot study of a Rapid Assessment of Hearing Loss and Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in combination.

This codebook refers to the malawi time dataset

Codebook for Malawi Time Analysis Dataset

Variable Description Value codes Data type
vi_status Visual impairment according to WHO definition 0= No visual impairment
1= Mild VI
2=Moderate VI
3=Severe VI
dhl Disabling hearing loss 1=pure tone average of >=41dB in better ear
0=pure tone average of <41 in both ears
degree Hearing impairment according to WHO definition 0= Normal
1= Mild
duration_q Duration of the questionnaire Numeric double
hour_q_duration Duration of questionnaire in hours Numeric float
min_q_duration Duration of questionnaire in minutes Numeric float
sec_q_duration Duration of questionnaire in seconds Numeric float
duration_e Duration of the ear examination Numeric double
hour_e_duration Duration of ear exam in hours Numeric float
min_e_duration Duration of ear exam in minutes Numeric float
sec_e_duration Duration of ear exam in seconds Numeric float
duration_v Duration of the vision test Numeric double
hour_v_duration Duration of the vision test in hours Numeric float
min_v_duration Duration of the vision test in minutes Numeric float
sec_v_duration Duration of the vision test in seconds Numeric float
chart Use of E chart 1=Yes
total_time Total time for questions, hearing, and ear exam Numeric float
total_time_consent Total time if consent took 15 mins Numeric float
total_time_consent7 Total time if consent took median of 7 minutes Numeric float
total_time_v Total time for vision test and hearing test Numeric float
total_time_v_consent7 Total time for all tests Numeric float
heartest_time Time for hearing test in minutes Numeric float