Table 2. Parameter definitions and corresponding estimates. Prior distributions used during model fitting are also shown. Parameter,Description,Prior,Estimates: median (95% CI) N,Population size,Fixed,60 000 T0,Date of introduction of index case to H compartment,,August 24 (August 21–August 24) Th,Date of hospital closure,Fixed,September 30 ρonset,Proportion of onsets reported,,0.70 (0.62–0.79) ρd,Proportion of death reported,,0.89 (0.80–0.97) ρr,Proportion of recovery reported,,0.28 (0.19–0.39) κ,Proportion of cases hospitalised until hospital closure,,0.21 (0.14–0.30) ϕ,Case–fatality ratio,,0.88 (0.80–0.94) 1/ϵ,Incubation period (days),,5.99 (5.80–6.18) 1/γh,Mean time from onset to hospitalisation (days),,3.00 (2.81–3.20) 1/γd,Mean time from onset to death (days),,7.49 (7.30–7.69) 1/γr,Mean time from onset to recovery (days),,10.00 (9.80–10.19) 1/μb,Mean time from death to burial (days),,0.99 (0.80–1.18) βi,Transmission rate in the community at the onset of the epidemic,,0.10 (0.01–0.20) βd,Transmission rate during traditional burial at the onset of the epidemic,,0.78 (0.08–2.00) αpp,Shape of the change of person-to-person contact behaviour in community and during traditional burial,,0.30 (0.14–4.17) τpp,Midpoint date for the change of person-to-person contact behaviour,,September 27 (September 20–October 03) δpp,Reduction of the person-to-person transmission rate following change of contact behaviour (%),,98.00 (90.00–100.00) βh,Transmission rate in hospital at the onset of the epidemic,,3.24 (2.36–4.43) αh,Shape of the change of hospital seeking behaviour from outpatients,,2.29 (0.49–4.85) τh,Midpoint date for the change of hospital seeking behaviour,,September 17 (September 14–September 19)