Variable Description schoolcode School identifier longitude Longitude (WGS_1984) latitude Latitude (WGS_1984) sh_county County hkepg1 Baseline Hookworm epg trepg1 Baseline Trichuris epg asepg1 Baseline Ascaris epg hkprev1 Baseline Hookworm prevalence asprev1 Baseline Ascaris prevalence trprev1 Baseline Trichuris prevalence sthprev1 Baseline STH combined prevalence hkepg5 Follow-up Hookworm epg trepg5 Follow-up Trichuris epg asepg5 Follow-up Ascaris epg hkprev5 Follow-up Hookworm prevalence asprev5 Follow-up Ascaris prevalence trprev5 Follow-up Trichuris epg sthprev5 Follow-up STH combined prevalence LST_1_mean Land surface temperature (1km buffer) Aridity_1_mean Aridity index (1km buffer) EVI_1_mean Enhanced vegetation index (1km buffer) pop_avg Average population density (2010-2015; 1km buffer) ce_pca_overall Location socioeconomic PCA score ce_v_improved_san Location % access to improved sanitation (waterborne) ce_improved_san "Location % access to improved sanitation (waterborne, VIP, covered pit)" ce_latrine_san "Location % access to improved sanitation (waterborne, VIP, covered pit, uncovered pit)" ce_piped_drink Location % access to piped drinking water (to/outside home) ce_improved_drink Location % access to improved drinking water ce_school_attendance Location net school attendance rate sq_handwash School availability of handwashing facility (1 yes; 0 no) sq_watersc School water source (1 piped/tab; 2 borehole/well; 3 rain; 4 stream/river; 5 bought; 6 bottled; 7 others) sq_sanfac School type of latrine facility (1 water borne; 2 VIP latrine; 3 ordinary latrine) sq_children_per_toilet School number of children per toilet sq_prop_clean School proportion of clean toilets sq_programme "School any health programme (hand washing campaign, school feeding, WASH programme)" y1_treatment_coverage Year 1 treatment coverage y2_treatment_coverage Year 2 treatment coverage t_y2_y3 Time since Year 2 treatment (days) c_logistic County logistics and infrastructure PCA score c_education County education system PCA score c_economy County economy PCA score c_health County health system PCA score c_delivery_comm County delivery platforms PCA score