Search strategies for: “Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health”. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60901-1 Final report, 14 November 2014 1. Literature search methodology 12 databases were searched during September and October 2014. They are: OvidSP Medline, OvidSP Embase, OvidSP Global Health, OvidSP Econlit,, EBSCO Africa-Wide Information, EBSCO GreenFILE, Biosis Citation Index, Web of Science Core Collection (containing Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science and Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Sciences & Humanities), Scopus, OvidSP FTSA, Ovid SP CAB Abstracts, OvidSP AGRIS, OvidSP Geobase. The search strategies looked for information on various aspects of ecohealth, planetary health and the environment, then applied a systematic review filter. The search strategy was compiled in the OvidSP Medline database and refined until the results retrieved reflected the scope of the project. It was decided to remove ‘air pollution’ from the search strategy as the recent WHO report provided adequate evidence for the impact of air pollution on health. As well as database searching, the Campbell Collaboration website and the Environmental Evidence website were hand-searched. Sarah Whitmee shared her collection of previously collected literature on the topic, and Steve Osofsky shared the bibliography compiled as part of the HEAL project. Unfortunately lack of time meant that the HEAL bibliography was not hand-searched for any additional systematic reviews. 2. Search strategies OvidSP MEDLINE Search run 29 September 2014, 1946 to September Week 3 2014 1 exp Biodiversity/ (23294) 2 biodivers*.ti,ab. (9147) 3 species-rich*.ti,ab. (4613) 4 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (261) 5 biological divers*.ti,ab. (1077) 6 extinct* rate*.ti,ab. (417) 7 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (3) 8 global protected area.ti,ab. (4) 9 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (75) 10 or/1-9 [BIODIVERSITY] (30929) 11 exp "Conservation of Natural Resources"/ (31678) 12 exp Human Activities/ (328824) 13 exp ecosystem/ (89399) 14 12 and 13 (1492) 15 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (53) 16 (Anthropogenic or Anthropocene).ti,ab. (8853) 17 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (3) 18 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (639) 19 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (2) 20 or/11,14-19 [ANTHROPOCENE] (40971) 21 exp Climate Change/ (10698) 22 exp Weather/ (422845) 23 exp Climate/ (104163) 24 exp Disasters/ (60440) 25 (22 or 23) and 24 (1730) 26 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (9670) 27 global warming.ti,ab. (2397) 28 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (220) 29 global temperature*.ti,ab. (229) 30 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (224) 31 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (863) 32 elevated carbon dioxide.ti,ab. (193) 33 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (187) 34 snow pack.ti,ab. (32) 35 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (81) 36 cloud cover.ti,ab. (169) 37 water current*.ti,ab. (220) 38 rainfall pattern*.ti,ab. (199) 39 extreme weather.ti,ab. (257) 40 thermal threshold*.ti,ab. (535) 41 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (233) 42 water stress.ti,ab. (1692) 43 extended drought*.ti,ab. (41) 44 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (734) 45 flood*.ti,ab. (8126) 46 storm surge*.ti,ab. (83) 47 landslide*.ti,ab. (165) 48 (wildfire* or wild-fire*).ti,ab. (630) 49 tropical cyclone*.ti,ab. (90) 50 windstorm*.ti,ab. (28) 51 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (388) 52 or/21,25-51 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (30879) 53 ecosystem/ (46803) 54 ecosystem* change*.ti,ab. (164) 55 human-landscape.ti,ab. (17) 56 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (52) 57 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (14) 58 environment* change*.ti,ab. (6801) 59 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (1521) 60 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (55) 61 urban ecosystem*.ti,ab. (122) 62 or/53-61 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (53471) 63 "land use change".ti,ab. (577) 64 habitat loss.ti,ab. (587) 65 soil erosion.ti,ab. (629) 66 soil quality.ti,ab. (598) 67 land cover change*.ti,ab. (239) 68 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (4) 69 deforestation.ti,ab. (1156) 70 land degradation.ti,ab. (154) 71 or/63-70 [LAND USE CHANGE] (3516) 72 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. [COASTS] (758) 73 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (536) 74 exp Fresh Water/ (37768) 75 Water Supply/ (28366) 76 exp Groundwater/ (3012) 77 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (16) 78 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (36) 79 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (11324) 80 aquifer*.ti,ab. (3865) 81 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (132) 82 water security.ti,ab. (74) 83 global water cycle.ti,ab. (9) 84 water availab*.ti,ab. (1270) 85 water scarcity.ti,ab. (232) 86 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (1) 87 or/74-86 [FRESHWATER] (72968) 88 Food Supply/ (8228) 89 food secur*.ti,ab. (1877) 90 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (1163) 91 nutrition secur*.ti,ab. (75) 92 global food product*.ti,ab. (37) 93 food supply.ti,ab. (2382) 94 "feed the future".ti,ab. (12) 95 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (1437) 96 global yield.ti,ab. (24) 97 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (1349) 98 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (22) 99 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (902) 100 crop failure.ti,ab. (26) 101 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 102 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 103 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (265) 104 sustainable food.ti,ab. (95) 105 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (34) 106 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 107 aquaculture.ti,ab. (3778) 108 pollinator*.ti,ab. (2167) 109 ((bee or bees or insect or insects) adj2 decline).ti,ab. (25) 110 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (9) 111 food afford*.ti,ab. (15) 112 or/88-111 [FOOD SUPPLY] (20757) 113 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (13) 114 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (215) 115 work capacity.ti,ab. (3887) 116 or/113-115 [WORK CAPACITY] (4111) 117 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (65) 118 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or natural or green space* or greening) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (8018) 119 117 or 118 [ECOHEALTH] (7816) 120 Humans/ (13783801) 121 Animals/ (5421082) 122 120 and 121 (1501365) 123 121 not 122 (3919717) 124 (government publications or meta analysis or "review").pt. (1947609) 125 (medline or medlars or embase or pubmed or cochrane).tw,sh. (84110) 126 (scisearch or psychinfo or psycinfo).tw,sh. (11187) 127 (psychlit or psyclit).tw,sh. (886) 128,sh. (9436) 129,sh. (2354) 130 ((hand adj2 search$) or (manual$ adj2 search$)).tw,sh. (6842) 131 (electronic database$ or bibliographic database$ or computeri?ed database$ or online database$).tw,sh. (13306) 132 (pooling or pooled or mantel haenszel).tw,sh. (52083) 133 (peto or dersimonian or der simonian or fixed effect).tw,sh. (3310) 134 (retraction of publication or retracted publication).pt. (6238) 135 or/125-134 (148286) 136 124 and 135 (85527) 137 (51867) 138 (51867) 139 (meta-analys$ or meta analys$ or metaanalys$).tw,sh. (81566) 140 (systematic$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (55994) 141 (systematic$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (806) 142 (quantitativ$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (4444) 143 (quantitativ$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (180) 144 (quantitativ$ adj5 synthesis$).tw,sh. (1263) 145 (methodologic$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (3163) 146 (methodologic$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (219) 147 (integrative research review$ or research integration).tw. (87) 148 or/137-147 (123579) 149 136 or 148 (158051) 150 149 not 123 [HUMANS AND SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS] (155462) 151 10 or 20 or 52 or 62 or 71 or 72 or 73 or 87 or 112 or 116 or 119 (212888) 152 150 and 151 (1025) 153 limit 152 to english language (986) OvidSP Embase Classic+Embase Search run 29 September 2014, 1947 to 2014 Week 39 1 biodiversity/ (20500) 2 biodivers*.ti,ab. (11391) 3 species-rich*.ti,ab. (5230) 4 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (279) 5 biological divers*.ti,ab. (1376) 6 extinct* rate*.ti,ab. (456) 7 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (3) 8 global protected area.ti,ab. (6) 9 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (126) 10 or/1-9 [BIODIVERSITY] (29355) 11 exp environmental protection/ (50488) 12 exp human activities/ (135536) 13 exp ecosystem/ (171606) 14 12 and 13 (2803) 15 ecosystem health/ (44) 16 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (284) 17 (Anthropogenic or Anthropocene).ti,ab. (14009) 18 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (2) 19 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (951) 20 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (2) 21 or/11,14-20 [ANTHROPOCENE] (65741) 22 exp climate/ (53051) 23 exp weather/ (36519) 24 natural disaster/ (1302) 25 (22 or 23) and 24 (358) 26 climate change/ (15260) 27 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (13207) 28 global warming.ti,ab. (3802) 29 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (436) 30 global temperature*.ti,ab. (331) 31 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (384) 32 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (1369) 33 elevated carbon dioxide.ti,ab. (233) 34 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (325) 35 snow pack.ti,ab. (75) 36 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (177) 37 cloud cover.ti,ab. (299) 38 water current*.ti,ab. (317) 39 rainfall pattern*.ti,ab. (267) 40 extreme weather.ti,ab. (367) 41 thermal threshold*.ti,ab. (666) 42 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (298) 43 water stress.ti,ab. (2132) 44 extended drought*.ti,ab. (37) 45 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (1028) 46 flood*.ti,ab. (11978) 47 storm surge*.ti,ab. (118) 48 landslide*.ti,ab. (264) 49 (wildfire* or wild-fire*).ti,ab. (904) 50 tropical cyclone*.ti,ab. (149) 51 windstorm*.ti,ab. (35) 52 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (510) 53 or/25-52 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (43459) 54 exp environmental impact/ (37030) 55 ecosystem/ (39595) 56 ecosystem* change*.ti,ab. (199) 57 human-landscape.ti,ab. (18) 58 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (76) 59 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (21) 60 environment* change*.ti,ab. (8532) 61 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (1698) 62 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (100) 63 urban ecosystem*.ti,ab. (153) 64 or/54-63 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (82002) 65 "land use change".ti,ab. (810) 66 habitat loss.ti,ab. (682) 67 soil erosion.ti,ab. (913) 68 soil quality.ti,ab. (840) 69 land cover change*.ti,ab. (303) 70 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (5) 71 deforestation.ti,ab. (1420) 72 land degradation.ti,ab. (213) 73 or/65-72 [LAND USE CHANGE] (4685) 74 seashore/ (10035) 75 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. (1167) 76 74 or 75 [COASTS] (10934) 77 (sea/ or seawater/) and (acidification/ or ph/) (1755) 78 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. (709) 79 77 or 78 [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (2162) 80 exp water management/ (142742) 81 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (19) 82 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (66) 83 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (19354) 84 aquifer*.ti,ab. (6092) 85 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (213) 86 water security.ti,ab. (105) 87 global water cycle.ti,ab. (14) 88 water availab*.ti,ab. (1605) 89 water scarcity.ti,ab. (328) 90 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (1) 91 or/80-90 [FRESHWATER] (157795) 92 food security/ (1744) 93 food insecurity/ (503) 94 grain yield/ (862) 95 milk yield/ (561) 96 exp crop production/ (20678) 97 food secur*.ti,ab. (2638) 98 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (1729) 99 nutrition secur*.ti,ab. (117) 100 global food product*.ti,ab. (48) 101 food supply.ti,ab. (2986) 102 "feed the future".ti,ab. (22) 103 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (1835) 104 global yield.ti,ab. (43) 105 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (1919) 106 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (28) 107 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (1122) 108 crop failure.ti,ab. (27) 109 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 110 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 111 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (346) 112 sustainable food.ti,ab. (155) 113 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (45) 114 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 115 aquaculture.ti,ab. (4791) 116 pollinator*.ti,ab. (2284) 117 ((bee or bees or insect or insects) adj2 decline).ti,ab. (28) 118 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (11) 119 food afford*.ti,ab. (21) 120 or/92-119 [FOOD SUPPLY] (39049) 121 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (21) 122 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (240) 123 work capacity.ti,ab. (4797) 124 or/121-123 [WORK CAPACITY] (5052) 125 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (191) 126 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or natural or green space* or greening) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (10836) 127 125 or 126 [ECOHEALTH] (10993) 128 animal/ (1579319) 129 human/ (15136138) 130 128 not (128 and 129) (1197649) 131 "systematic review"/ (80036) 132 meta analysis/ (82940) 133 (meta-analys$ or meta analys$ or metaanalys$).tw,sh. (126059) 134 (systematic$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (98218) 135 (systematic$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (1045) 136 (quantitativ$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (17828) 137 (quantitativ$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (228) 138 (quantitativ$ adj5 synthesis$).tw,sh. (3416) 139 (methodologic$ adj5 review$).tw,sh. (4008) 140 (methodologic$ adj5 overview$).tw,sh. (293) 141 (integrative research review$ or research integration).tw. (103) 142 or/131-141 (214309) 143 142 not 130 [HUMANS AND SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS] (213260) 144 10 or 21 or 53 or 64 or 73 or 76 or 79 or 91 or 120 or 124 or 127 (374000) 145 143 and 144 (2081) 146 limit 145 to english language (2017) OvidSP Global Health Search run 30 September 2014, 1910 to 2014 Week 38 1 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (72) 2 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or green space*) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (4686) 3 1 or 2 [ECOHEALTH] (2782) 4 species diversity/ or biodiversity/ (3865) 5 species-rich*.ti,ab. (661) 6 biodivers*.ti,ab. (3089) 7 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (24) 8 biologial divers*.ti,ab. (0) 9 extinct* rate.ti,ab. (3) 10 global protected area.ti,ab. (0) 11 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (45) 12 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (0) 13 or/4-12 [BIODIVERSITY] (5711) 14 landscape conservation/ (10) 15 conservation areas/ (59) 16 conservation/ (1696) 17 nature conservation/ (723) 18 resource conservation/ (179) 19 wildlife conservation/ (530) 20 environmental protection/ (1448) 21 ecosystems/ (1861) 22 human activity/ (1333) 23 21 and 22 (116) 24 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (5) 25 (Anthropocene or Anthropogenic).ti,ab. (2408) 26 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (0) 27 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (539) 28 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (0) 29 or/14-20,23-28 [ANTHROPOCENE] (7196) 30 exp climate change/ (2896) 31 weather/ (1749) 32 natural disasters/ (2499) 33 31 and 32 (41) 34 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (3860) 35 global warming.ti,ab. (909) 36 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (63) 37 global temperature.ti,ab. (26) 38 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (69) 39 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (70) 40 elevated carbon-dioxide.ti,ab. (16) 41 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (112) 42 snow pack.ti,ab. (4) 43 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (13) 44 cloud cover.ti,ab. (62) 45 rainfall pattern.ti,ab. (46) 46 extreme weather.ti,ab. (209) 47 thermal threshold.ti,ab. (15) 48 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (75) 49 water stress.ti,ab. (229) 50 extended drought*.ti,ab. (12) 51 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (447) 52 flood*.ti,ab. (5450) 53 storm surge*.ti,ab. (26) 54 landslide*.ti,ab. (113) 55 (wildfire or wild-fire).ti,ab. (109) 56 tropical cyclone.ti,ab. (14) 57 windstorm.ti,ab. (4) 58 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (125) 59 or/30,33-58 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (11398) 60 ecosystems/ (1861) 61 ecosystem* change*.ti,ab. (43) 62 human-landscape.ti,ab. (5) 63 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (11) 64 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (9) 65 environment* change*.ti,ab. (1665) 66 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (110) 67 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (25) 68 urban ecosystem.ti,ab. (41) 69 or/60-68 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (3631) 70 "land use change*".ti,ab. (197) 71 habitat loss.ti,ab. (77) 72 soil erosion.ti,ab. (288) 73 soil quality.ti,ab. (219) 74 land cover change*.ti,ab. (44) 75 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (0) 76 deforestation.ti,ab. (694) 77 land degradation.ti,ab. (101) 78 erosion/ (402) 79 exp runoff/ (954) 80 exp environmental degradation/ (2870) 81 or/70-80 [LAND USE CHANGE] (4877) 82 coastal areas/ (3317) 83 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. (402) 84 or/82-83 [COASTS] (3543) 85 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (50) 86 groundwater pollution/ (2057) 87 exp water/ (59423) 88 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (2) 89 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (42) 90 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (5448) 91 aquifer*.ti,ab. (1170) 92 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (103) 93 water security.ti,ab. (65) 94 global water cycle.ti,ab. (1) 95 water availab*.ti,ab. (485) 96 water scarcity.ti,ab. (241) 97 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (1) 98 or/86-97 [FRESHWATER] (60656) 99 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (9) 100 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (172) 101 work capacity.ti,ab. (467) 102 or/99-101 [WORK CAPACITY] (641) 103 food supply/ (8965) 104 food security/ (5099) 105 food secur*.ti,ab. (5300) 106 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (2110) 107 nutrition secur*.ti,ab. (387) 108 global food product*.ti,ab. (48) 109 food supply.ti,ab. (4648) 110 "feed the future".ti,ab. (6) 111 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (2097) 112 global yield.ti,ab. (9) 113 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (856) 114 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (12) 115 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (907) 116 crop failure.ti,ab. (74) 117 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 118 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (2) 119 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (114) 120 sustainable food.ti,ab. (369) 121 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (17) 122 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 123 aquaculture.ti,ab. (1650) 124 pollinator*.ti,ab. (190) 125 ((bee or bees or insect or insects) adj2 decline).ti,ab. (6) 126 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (40) 127 food afford*.ti,ab. (20) 128 or/103-127 [FOOD SUPPLY] (20227) 129 man/ (1626987) 130 animals/ (2396736) 131 105 not (104 and 105) (2036) 132 (9718) 133 (meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys*).tw,sh. (14040) 134 (systematic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (14494) 135 (systematic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (124) 136 (quantitativ* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (670) 137 (quantitativ* adj5 overview).tw,sh. (16) 138 (quantitativ* adj5 synthesis*).tw,sh. (174) 139 (methodologic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (412) 140 (methodologic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (41) 141 (integrative research review* or research integration).tw. (13) 142 or/132-141 (23829) 143 142 not 131 (23823) 144 3 or 13 or 29 or 59 or 69 or 81 or 84 or 85 or 98 or 102 or 128 (106769) 145 143 and 144 (372) 146 limit 145 to english language (344) OvidSP Econlit Search run 10 October 2014, 1886 to September 2014 1 biodivers*.ti,ab. (1669) 2 species-rich*.ti,ab. (36) 3 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (19) 4 biological divers*.ti,ab. (180) 5 extinct* rate*.ti,ab. (2) 6 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (0) 7 global protected area.ti,ab. (0) 8 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (16) 9 or/1-8 [BIODIVERSITY] (1823) 10 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (14) 11 (Anthropogenic or Anthropocene).ti,ab. (272) 12 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (0) 13 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (979) 14 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (0) 15 or/10-14 [ANTHROPOCENE] (1258) 16 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (6304) 17 global warming.ti,ab. (1366) 18 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (152) 19 global temperature*.ti,ab. (69) 20 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (92) 21 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (0) 22 elevated carbon dioxide.ti,ab. (0) 23 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (115) 24 snow pack.ti,ab. (0) 25 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (2) 26 cloud cover.ti,ab. (12) 27 water current*.ti,ab. (3) 28 rainfall pattern*.ti,ab. (27) 29 extreme weather.ti,ab. (92) 30 thermal threshold*.ti,ab. (1) 31 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (8) 32 water stress.ti,ab. (24) 33 extended drought*.ti,ab. (2) 34 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (40) 35 flood*.ti,ab. (1081) 36 storm surge*.ti,ab. (19) 37 landslide*.ti,ab. (60) 38 (wildfire* or wild-fire*).ti,ab. (95) 39 tropical cyclone*.ti,ab. (24) 40 windstorm*.ti,ab. (10) 41 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (8) 42 or/16-41 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (8756) 43 ecosystem* change*.ti,ab. (22) 44 human-landscape.ti,ab. (3) 45 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (27) 46 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (1) 47 environment* change*.ti,ab. (641) 48 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (60) 49 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (31) 50 urban ecosystem*.ti,ab. (14) 51 or/43-50 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (797) 52 "land use change".ti,ab. (349) 53 habitat loss.ti,ab. (18) 54 soil erosion.ti,ab. (255) 55 soil quality.ti,ab. (93) 56 land cover change*.ti,ab. (36) 57 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (3) 58 deforestation.ti,ab. (989) 59 land degradation.ti,ab. (216) 60 or/52-59 [LAND USE CHANGE] (1657) 61 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. [COASTS] (127) 62 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (10) 63 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (4) 64 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (7) 65 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (859) 66 aquifer*.ti,ab. (211) 67 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (105) 68 water security.ti,ab. (32) 69 global water cycle.ti,ab. (0) 70 water availab*.ti,ab. (178) 71 water scarcity.ti,ab. (223) 72 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (0) 73 or/63-72 [FRESHWATER] (1423) 74 food secur*.ti,ab. (1765) 75 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (450) 76 nutrition secur*.ti,ab. (27) 77 global food product*.ti,ab. (18) 78 food supply.ti,ab. (484) 79 "feed the future".ti,ab. (3) 80 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (2661) 81 global yield.ti,ab. (6) 82 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (635) 83 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (22) 84 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (262) 85 crop failure.ti,ab. (28) 86 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 87 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 88 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (46) 89 sustainable food.ti,ab. (80) 90 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (38) 91 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 92 aquaculture.ti,ab. (461) 93 pollinator*.ti,ab. (16) 94 ((bee or bees or insect or insects) adj2 decline).ti,ab. (0) 95 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (80) 96 food afford*.ti,ab. (3) 97 or/74-96 [FOOD SUPPLY] (6432) 98 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (13) 99 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (3724) 100 work capacity.ti,ab. (37) 101 or/98-100 [WORK CAPACITY] (3774) 102 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (8) 103 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or natural or green space* or greening) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (859) 104 102 or 103 [ECOHEALTH] (516) 105 9 or 15 or 42 or 51 or 60 or 61 or 62 or 73 or 97 or 101 or 104 (24583) 106 (meta-analys$ or meta analys$ or metaanalys$).tw. (848) 107 (systematic$ adj5 review$).tw. (290) 108 (systematic$ adj5 overview$).tw. (45) 109 (quantitativ$ adj5 review$).tw. (138) 110 (quantitativ$ adj5 overview$).tw. (23) 111 (quantitativ$ adj5 synthesis$).tw. (16) 112 (methodologic$ adj5 review$).tw. (157) 113 (methodologic$ adj5 overview$).tw. (27) 114 (integrative research review$ or research integration).tw. (3) 115 or/106-114 [SYSTEMATIC REVIEW] (1473) 116 105 and 115 (74) 117 limit 116 to english (68) BIOSIS Citation Index Search run 13 October 2014 # 25 #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 OR #18 OR #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 Refined by: LANGUAGES: ( ENGLISH ) (1,680) # 24 #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 OR #18 OR #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 (1,725) # 23 #12 AND #11 (320) # 22 #12 AND #10 (12) # 21 #12 AND #9 (242) # 20 #12 AND #8 (52) # 19 #12 AND #7 (19) # 18 #12 AND #6 (15) # 17 #12 AND #5 (108) # 16 #12 AND #4 (166) # 15 #12 AND #3 (426) # 14 #12 AND #2 (142) # 13 #12 AND #1 (668) # 12 TOPIC: ("meta-analys*" or "meta analys*" or metaanalys* or (systematic* near/5 review*) or (systematic* near/5 overview*) or (quantitative* near/5 reiew*) or (quantitative* near/5 overview*) or (quantitative* near/5 synthesis*) or (methodologic* near/5 review*) or (methodologic* near/5 overview) or "integrative research review*" or "research integration") (66,613) # 11 TOPIC: ("eco-health" or ecohealth or (eco near/8 health) or (eco near/8 "well-being") or (eco near/8 wellbeing) or (eco near/8 welfare) or (ecolog* near/8 health) or (ecolog* near/8 "well-being") or (ecolog* near/8 wellbeing) or (ecolog* near/8 welfare) or (nature near/8 health) or (nature near/8 "well-being") or (nature near/8 wellbeing) or (nature near/8 welfare) or (natural near/8 health) or (natural near/8 "well-being") or (natural near/8 wellbeing) or (natural near/8 welfare) or ("green space*" near/8 health) or ("green space*" near/8 "well-being") or ("green space*" near/8 wellbeing) or ("green space*" near/8 welfare) or (greening near/8 health) or (greening near/8 "well-being") or (greening near/8 wellbeing) or (greening near/8 welfare)) (99,167) # 10 TOPIC: ((labor near/1 capacity) or (labour near/1 capacity) or (labor near/1 productiv*) or (labour near/1 productiv*) or "work capacity") (2,727) # 9 TOPIC: ("food secur*" or "food insecur*" or "food-insecur*" or "nutrition secur*" or "global food product*" or "food supply" or "feed the future" or "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural production" or "global yield" or "crop production" or "crop productivity" or "fisheries production" or "fisheries productivity" or "livestock production" or "livestock productivity" or "crop failure" or "eco-agri-food system" or "environmental burden of food" or "agro-ecosystem*" or "sustainable food" or "sustainable fisheries" or "fisheries degradation" or aquaculture* or pollinator* or (bee near/2 decline) or (bees near/2 decline) or (insect near/2 decline) or (insects near/2 decline) or ("food price" near/2 spike*) or ("food price" near/2 increase*) or "food afford*") (116,360) # 8 TOPIC: ("global freshwater" or "global fresh-water" or (freshwater near/1 provision) or (freshwater near/1 provid*) or (freshwater near/1 supply) or ("fresh-water" near/1 provision) or ("fresh-water" near/1 provid*) or ("fresh-water" near/1 supply) or groundwater or "ground-water" or aquifer* or "water resource manag*" or "water security" or "global water cycle" or "water availab*" or "water scarcity" or (water near/1 overconsumpt*) or (water near/1 "over-consumpt*")) (55,954) # 7 TOPIC: ((ocean near/1 acid*) or (ocean near/1 ph) or (sea* near/1 acid*) or (sea* near/1 ph)) (3,941) # 6 TOPIC: ((coast* near/1 "buffer degradation") or (coast* near/1 system*) or (coast* near/1 zone*) or (coast* near/1 vulnerab*)) (6,080) # 5 TOPIC: ("land use change" or "habitat loss" or "soil erosion" or "soil quality" or "land cover change*" or "nutrient run-off" or deforestation or "land degradation") (28,220) # 4 TOPIC: ("ecosystem* change*" or "human-landscape" or "global ecosystem" or "health of the planet" or "environment* change*" or "ecosystem* function*" or "environmental footprint" or "urban ecosystem") (25,710) # 3 TOPIC: ((climate near/1 change*) or (climate near/1 variability) or (climate near/1 disruption) or "global warming" or "greenhouse effect*" or "global temperature*" or "sea-level rise" or "elevated co2" or "elevated carbon dioxide" or "carbon footprint" or "snow pack" or "thermal stratification" or "cloud cover" or "water current*" or "rainfall pattern*" or "extreme weather" or "thermal threshold*" or "extreme temperature" or "water stress" or "extended drought*" or "heatwave*" or "heat-wave*" or flood* or "storm surge*" or landslide* or wildfire* or "wild-fire*" or "tropical cyclone*" or windstorm* or (cold near/1 extreme*)) (126,646) # 2 TOPIC: ("planetary boundar*" or anthropogenic or anthropocene or "global tipping point*" or (environment* near/1 sustainab*) or (global near/1 sustainab*) or "biosphere integrity") (38,189) # 1 TOPIC: (biodivers* or "species-rich*" or "species-extinct*" or "biological divers*" or "extinct* rate*" or "wildlife decline" or "global protected area" or "aquatic resources") (133,219) Web of Science Core Content Search run 13 October 2014 # 24 #23 OR #22 OR #21 OR #20 OR #19 OR #18 OR #17 OR #16 OR #15 OR #14 OR #13 (2,673) # 23 #12 AND #11 (307) # 22 #12 AND #10 (48) # 21 #12 AND #9 (298) # 20 #12 AND #8 (116) # 19 #12 AND #7 (34) # 18 #12 AND #6 (26) # 17 #12 AND #5 (225) # 16 #12 AND #4 (306) # 15 #12 AND #3 (1,052) # 14 #12 AND #2 (213) # 13 #12 AND #1 (801) # 12 TOPIC: (("meta-analys*" or "meta analys*" or metaanalys* or (systematic* near/5 review*) or (systematic* near/5 overview*) or (quantitative* near/5 reiew*) or (quantitative* near/5 overview*) or (quantitative* near/5 synthesis*) or (methodologic* near/5 review*) or (methodologic* near/5 overview) or "integrative research review*" or "research integration")) (201,093) # 11 TOPIC: (("eco-health" or ecohealth or (eco near/8 health) or (eco near/8 "well-being") or (eco near/8 wellbeing) or (eco near/8 welfare) or (ecolog* near/8 health) or (ecolog* near/8 "well-being") or (ecolog* near/8 wellbeing) or (ecolog* near/8 welfare) or (nature near/8 health) or (nature near/8 "well-being") or (nature near/8 wellbeing) or (nature near/8 welfare) or (natural near/8 health) or (natural near/8 "well-being") or (natural near/8 wellbeing) or (natural near/8 welfare) or ("green space*" near/8 health) or ("green space*" near/8 "well-being") or ("green space*" near/8 wellbeing) or ("green space*" near/8 welfare) or (greening near/8 health) or (greening near/8 "well-being") or (greening near/8 wellbeing) or (greening near/8 welfare))) (15,215) # 10 TOPIC: (((labor near/1 capacity) or (labour near/1 capacity) or (labor near/1 productiv*) or (labour near/1 productiv*) or "work capacity")) (5,286) # 9 TOPIC: (("food secur*" or "food insecur*" or "food-insecur*" or "nutrition secur*" or "global food product*" or "food supply" or "feed the future" or "agricultural productivity" or "agricultural production" or "global yield" or "crop production" or "crop productivity" or "fisheries production" or "fisheries productivity" or "livestock production" or "livestock productivity" or "crop failure" or "eco-agri-food system" or "environmental burden of food" or "agro-ecosystem*" or "sustainable food" or "sustainable fisheries" or "fisheries degradation" or aquaculture* or pollinator* or (bee near/2 decline) or (bees near/2 decline) or (insect near/2 decline) or (insects near/2 decline) or ("food price" near/2 spike*) or ("food price" near/2 increase*) or "food afford*")) (70,439) # 8 TOPIC: (("global freshwater" or "global fresh-water" or (freshwater near/1 provision) or (freshwater near/1 provid*) or (freshwater near/1 supply) or ("fresh-water" near/1 provision) or ("fresh-water" near/1 provid*) or ("fresh-water" near/1 supply) or groundwater or "ground-water" or aquifer* or "water resource manag*" or "water security" or "global water cycle" or "water availab*" or "water scarcity" or (water near/1 overconsumpt*) or (water near/1 "over-consumpt*"))) (114,194) # 7 TOPIC: (((ocean near/1 acid*) or (ocean near/1 ph) or (sea* near/1 acid*) or (sea* near/1 ph))) (5,454) # 6 TOPIC: (((coast* near/1 "buffer degradation") or (coast* near/1 system*) or (coast* near/1 zone*) or (coast* near/1 vulnerab*))) (12,144) # 5 TOPIC: (("land use change" or "habitat loss" or "soil erosion" or "soil quality" or "land cover change*" or "nutrient run-off" or deforestation or "land degradation")) (42,062) # 4 TOPIC: (("ecosystem* change*" or "human-landscape" or "global ecosystem" or "health of the planet" or "environment* change*" or "ecosystem* function*" or "environmental footprint" or "urban ecosystem")) (36,074) # 3 TOPIC: ((climate near/1 change*) or (climate near/1 variability) or (climate near/1 disruption) or "global warming" or "greenhouse effect*" or "global temperature*" or "sea-level rise" or "elevated co2" or "elevated carbon dioxide" or "carbon footprint" or "snow pack" or "thermal stratification" or "cloud cover" or "water current*" or "rainfall pattern*" or "extreme weather" or "thermal threshold*" or "extreme temperature" or "water stress" or "extended drought*" or "heatwave*" or "heat-wave*" or flood* or "storm surge*" or landslide* or wildfire* or "wild-fire*" or "tropical cyclone*" or windstorm* or (cold near/1 extreme*)) (278,318) # 2 TOPIC: (("planetary boundar*" or anthropogenic or anthropocene or "global tipping point*" or (environment* near/1 sustainab*) or (global near/1 sustainab*) or "biosphere integrity")) (57,588) # 1 TOPIC: ((biodivers* or "species-rich*" or "species-extinct*" or "biological divers*" or "extinct* rate*" or "wildlife decline" or "global protected area" or "aquatic resources")) (94,433) Scopus Search run 14 October 2014 TITLE-ABS-KEY(biodivers* OR "species-rich*" OR "species-extinct*" OR "biological divers*" OR "extinct* rate*" OR "wildlife decline" OR "global protected area" OR "aquatic resources" OR "planetary boundar*" OR Anthropogenic OR Anthropocene OR "global tipping point*" OR ((environment* OR global) W/1 sustainab*) OR "biosphere integrity" OR (climate W/1 (change* OR variability OR disruption)) OR "global warming" OR "greenhouse effect*" OR "global temperature*" OR "sea-level rise" OR "elevated co2" OR "elevated carbon dioxide" OR "carbon footprint" OR "snow pack" OR "thermal stratification" OR "cloud cover" OR "water current*" OR "rainfall pattern*" OR "extreme weather" OR "thermal threshold*" OR "extreme temperature" OR "water stress" OR "extended drought*" OR heatwave* OR "heat-wave*" OR flood* OR "storm surge*" OR landslide* OR wildfire* OR "wild-fire*" OR "tropical cyclone*" OR windstorm* OR (cold W/1 extreme*) OR "ecosystem* change*" OR "human-landscape" OR "global ecosystem" OR {health of the planet} OR "environment* change*" OR "ecosystem* function*" OR "environmental footprint" OR "urban ecosystem*" OR "land use change" OR "habitat loss" OR "soil erosion" OR "soil quality" OR "land cover change*" OR "nutrient run-off" OR deforestation OR "land degredation" OR (coast* W/1 ("buffer degradation" OR system* OR zone* OR vulnerab*)) OR ((ocean OR sea*) W/1 (acid* OR ph)) OR "global freshwater" OR "global fresh-water" OR ((freshwater OR "fresh-water") W/1 (provision OR provid* or supply)) OR groundwater OR "ground-water" OR aquifer* OR "water resource manag*" OR "water security" OR "global water cycle" OR "water availab*" OR "water scarcity" OR (water W/1 (overconsumpt* OR "over-consumpt*")) OR "food secur*" OR "food insecur*" OR "food-insecur*" OR "nutrition secur*" OR "global food product*" OR "food supply" OR "feed the future" OR "agricultural productivity" OR "agricultural production" OR "global yield" OR "crop production" OR "crop productivity" OR "fisheries production" OR "fisheries productivity" OR "livestock production" OR "livestock productivity" OR "crop failure" OR "eco-agri-food system" OR "environmental burden of food" OR "agro-ecosystem*" OR "sustainable food" OR "sustainable fisheries" OR "fisheries degradation" OR aquaculture OR pollinator* OR ((bee OR bees OR insect OR insects) W/2 decline) OR ("food price" W/2 (spike* OR increase*)) OR "food afford*" OR ((labor OR labour) W/1 capacity) OR ((labor OR labour) W/1 productiv*) OR "work capacity" OR "eco-health" OR ecohealth OR ((eco OR ecolog* OR nature OR natural OR "green space*" OR greening) W/8 (health OR "well-being" OR wellbeing or welfare))) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY("meta-analys*" OR "meta analys*" OR metaanalys* OR (systematic* W/5 review*) OR (systematic* W/5 overview*) OR (quantitativ* W/5 review*) OR (quantitativ* W/5 overview*) OR (quantitativ* W/5 synthesis*) OR (methodologic* W/5 review*) OR (methodologic* W/5 overview*) OR "integrative research review*" OR "research integration") (3,387) Ebsco Africa-Wide Information Search run 5 October 2014 S1 biodivers* (15,070) S2 species-rich* (1,539) S3 species-extinct* (60) S4 biological divers* (542) S5 extinct* rate* (43) S6 wildlife decline (7) S7 global protected area (3) S8 aquatic resources (135) S9 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 (16,580) S10 planetary boundar* (9) S11 Anthropogenic or Anthropocene (2,137) S12 global tipping point* (0 ) S13 (environment* or global) N1 sustainab* (1,390) S14 biosphere integrity (0) S15 S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 (3,527) S16 climate N1 (change* or variability or disruption) (6,664) S17 global warming (1,775) S18 greenhouse effect* (709) S19 global temperature* (70) S20 sea-level rise (115) S21 "elevated co2" (40) S22 elevated carbon dioxide (7) S23 carbon footprint (264) S24 snow pack (2) S25 thermal stratification (73) S26 cloud cover (58) S27 water current* (111) S28 rainfall pattern* (359) S29 extreme weather (126) S30 thermal threshold* (17) S31 extreme temperature (81) S32 water stress (560) S33 extended drought* (17) S34 heatwave* or heat-wave* (123) S35 flood* (8,750) S36 storm surge* (28) S37 landslide* (629) S38 wildfire* or wild-fire* (272) S39 tropical cyclone* (85) S40 windstorm* (20) S41 cold N1 extreme* (42) S42 S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 (18,745) S43 ecosystem* change* (57) S44 human-landscape (7) S45 global ecosystem (17) S46 "health of the planet" (3) S47 environment* change* (1,375) S48 ecosystem* function* (201) S49 environmental footprint (19) S50 urban ecosystem* (21) S51 S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 OR S48 OR S49 OR S50 (1,687) S52 "land use change" (189) S53 habitat loss (316) S54 soil erosion (1,489) S55 soil quality (1,664) S56 land cover change* (117) S57 nutrient run-off (4) S58 deforestation (2,788) S59 land degradation (709) S60 S52 OR S53 OR S54 OR S55 OR S56 OR S57 OR S58 OR S59 (6,743) S61 coast* N1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*) (858) S62 (ocean or sea*) N1 (acid* or ph) (76) S63 global freshwater or global fresh-water (6) S64 (freshwater or fresh-water) N1 (provision or provid* or supply) (70) S65 groundwater or ground-water (5,600) S66 aquifer* (1,823) S67 water resource manag* (1,747) S68 water security (170) S69 global water cycle (5) S70 water availab* (895) S71 water scarcity (426) S72 water N1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*) (2) S73 S63 OR S64 OR S65 OR S66 OR S67 OR S68 OR S69 OR S70 OR S71 OR S72 (8,984) S74 food secur* (8,081) S75 food insecur* or food-insecur* (1,135) S76 nutrition secur* (75) S77 global food product* (19) S78 food supply (4,417) S79 "feed the future" (1) S80 agricultural productivity or agricultural production (5,115) S81 global yield (0) S82 crop production or crop productivity (2,869) S83 fisheries production or fisheries productivity (541) S84 livestock production or livestock productivity (1,616) S85 crop failure (194) S86 eco-agri-food system (0) S87 "environmental burden of food" (0) S88 agro-ecosystem* (163) S89 sustainable food (105) S90 sustainable fisheries (123) S91 fisheries degradation (0) S92 aquaculture (4,370) S93 pollinator* (514) S94 (bee or bees or insect or insects) N2 decline (4) S95 food price N2 (spike* or increase*) (154) S96 food afford* (13) S97 S74 OR S75 OR S76 OR S77 OR S78 OR S79 OR S80 OR S81 OR S82 OR S83 OR S84 OR S85 OR S86 OR S87 OR S88 OR S89 OR S90 OR S91 OR S92 OR S93 OR S94 OR S95 OR S96 (26,190) S98 (labor or labour) N1 capacity (26) S99 (labor or labour) N1 productiv* (711) S100 work capacity (296) S101 S98 OR S99 OR S100 (1,032) S102 eco-health or ecohealth (73) S103 (eco or ecolog* or nature or natural or green space* or greening) N8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare) (1,597) S104 S102 OR S103 (1,661) S105 S9 OR S15 OR S42 OR S51 OR S60 OR S61 OR S62 OR S73 OR S97 OR S101 OR S104 (77,351) S106 meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys* (2,277) S107 systematic* N5 review* (3,815) S108 systematic* N5 overview* (63) S109 quantitativ* N5 review* (139) S110 quantitativ* N5 overview* (25) S111 quantitativ* N5 synthesis* (61) S112 methodologic* N5 review* (169) S113 methodologic* N5 overview* (14) S114 integrative research review* or research integration (5) S115 S106 OR S107 OR S108 OR S109 OR S110 OR S111 OR S112 OR S113 OR S114 (5,442) S116 S105 AND S115 (48) S117 S116 Limiters - Language: English (45) Ebsco GreenFile Search run 5 October 2014 S1 biodivers* (23,149) S2 species-rich* (6,847) S3 species-extinct* (1,505) S4 biological divers* (13,412) S5 extinct* rate* (212) S6 wildlife decline (14) S7 global protected area (18) S8 aquatic resources (1,393) S9 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 (28,887) S10 planetary boundar* (521) S11 Anthropogenic or Anthropocene (10,584) S12 global tipping point* (1) S13 (environment* or global) N1 sustainab* (9,033) S14 biosphere integrity (0) S15 S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 (19,966) S16 climate N1 (change* or variability or disruption) (36,784) S17 global warming (11,580) S18 greenhouse effect* (2,009) S19 global temperature* (2,539) S20 sea-level rise (1,241) S21 "elevated co2" (789) S22 elevated carbon dioxide (163) S23 carbon footprint (2,189) S24 snow pack (76) S25 thermal stratification (104) S26 cloud cover (280) S27 water current* (111) S28 rainfall pattern* (211) S29 extreme weather (405) S30 thermal threshold* (13) S31 extreme temperature (171) S32 water stress (582) S33 extended drought* (41) S34 heatwave* or heat-wave* (409) S35 flood* (7,020) S36 storm surge* (176) S37 landslide* (299) S38 wildfire* or wild-fire* (2,728) S39 tropical cyclone* (174) S40 windstorm* (106) S41 cold N1 extreme* (80) S42 S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 (56,513) S43 ecosystem* change* (257) S44 human-landscape (39) S45 global ecosystem (92) S46 "health of the planet" (28) S47 environment* change* (7,033) S48 ecosystem* function* (1,658) S49 environmental footprint (174) S50 urban ecosystem* (963) S51 S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 OR S48 OR S49 OR S50 (10,023) S52 "land use change" (1,882) S53 habitat loss (1,281) S54 soil erosion (3,246) S55 soil quality (1,368) S56 land cover change* (642) S57 nutrient run-off (9) S58 deforestation (3,685) S59 land degradation (648) S60 S52 OR S53 OR S54 OR S55 OR S56 OR S57 OR S58 OR S59 (11,663) S61 coast* N1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*) (2,832) S62 (ocean or sea*) N1 (acid* or ph) (420) S63 global freshwater or global fresh-water (38) S64 (freshwater or fresh-water) N1 (provision or provid* or supply) (143) S65 groundwater or ground-water (11,706) S66 aquifer* (3,267) S67 water resource manag* (982) S68 water security (154) S69 global water cycle (11) S70 water availab* (4,234) S71 water scarcity (452) S72 water N1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*) (3) S73 S63 OR S64 OR S65 OR S66 OR S67 OR S68 OR S69 OR S70 OR S71 OR S72 (17,662) S74 food secur* (1,316) S75 food insecur* or food-insecur* (471) S76 nutrition secur* (6) S77 global food product* (29) S78 food supply (1,598) S79 "feed the future" (3) S80 agricultural productivity or agricultural production (2,623) S81 global yield (3) S82 crop production or crop productivity (12,535) S83 fisheries production or fisheries productivity (135) S84 livestock production or livestock productivity (452) S85 crop failure (63) S86 eco-agri-food system (0) S87 "environmental burden of food" (0) S88 agro-ecosystem* (387) S89 sustainable food (343) S90 sustainable fisheries (162) S91 fisheries degradation (0) S92 aquaculture (6,131) S93 pollinator* (855) S94 (bee or bees or insect or insects) N2 decline (50) S95 food price N2 (spike* or increase*) (47) S96 food afford* (2) S97 S74 OR S75 OR S76 OR S77 OR S78 OR S79 OR S80 OR S81 OR S82 OR S83 OR S84 OR S85 OR S86 OR S87 OR S88 OR S89 OR S90 OR S91 OR S92 OR S93 OR S94 OR S95 OR S96 (24,040) S98 (labor or labour) N1 capacity (3) S99 (labor or labour) N1 productiv* (167) S100 work capacity (7) S101 S98 OR S99 OR S100 (177) S102 eco-health or ecohealth (763) S103 (eco or ecolog* or nature or natural or green space* or greening) N8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare) (8,165) S104 S102 OR S103 (8,754) S105 S9 OR S15 OR S42 OR S51 OR S60 OR S61 OR S62 OR S73 OR S97 OR S101 OR S104 (150,098) S106 meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys* (1,045) S107 systematic* N5 review* (928) S108 systematic* N5 overview* (17) S109 quantitativ* N5 review* (125) S110 quantitativ* N5 overview* (13) S111 quantitativ* N5 synthesis* (25) S112 methodologic* N5 review* (56) S113 methodologic* N5 overview* (3) S114 integrative research review* or research integration (8) S115 S106 OR S107 OR S108 OR S109 OR S110 OR S111 OR S112 OR S113 OR S114 (1,523) S116 S105 AND S115 (668) OvidSP Geobase Search run 22 September 2014, 1980 to July 2014 1 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (20) 2 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or green space*) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (2153) 3 1 or 2 [ECOHEALTH] (2160) 4 biodiversity/ (21394) 5 exp protected area/ (12781) 6 species-rich*.ti,ab. (22419) 7 biodivers*.ti,ab. (26984) 8 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (645) 9 biologial divers*.ti,ab. (0) 10 extinct* rate.ti,ab. (275) 11 global protected area.ti,ab. (13) 12 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (284) 13 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (3) 14 or/4-13 [BIODIVERSITY] (59809) 15 exp nature conservation/ (17466) 16 exp ecosystem/ (110477) 17 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (1613) 18 (Anthropocene or Anthropogenic).ti,ab. (31592) 19 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (1) 20 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (2670) 21 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (0) 22 or/15-21 [ANTHROPOCENE] (156343) 23 exp climate change/ (53300) 24 severe weather/ (561) 25 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (49326) 26 global warming.ti,ab. (9787) 27 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (1415) 28 global temperature.ti,ab. (859) 29 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (5724) 30 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (3196) 31 elevated carbon-dioxide.ti,ab. (357) 32 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (446) 33 snow pack.ti,ab. (371) 34 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (913) 35 cloud cover.ti,ab. (2706) 36 rainfall pattern.ti,ab. (429) 37 extreme weather.ti,ab. (926) 38 thermal threshold.ti,ab. (90) 39 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (399) 40 water stress.ti,ab. (4274) 41 extended drought*.ti,ab. (158) 42 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (935) 43 flood*.ti,ab. (49571) 44 storm surge*.ti,ab. (1696) 45 landslide*.ti,ab. (8613) 46 (wildfire or wild-fire).ti,ab. (2844) 47 tropical cyclone.ti,ab. (2410) 48 windstorm.ti,ab. (227) 49 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (546) 50 or/23-49 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (147134) 51 exosystem* change*.ti,ab. (0) 52 human-landscape.ti,ab. (102) 53 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (154) 54 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (15) 55 environment* change*.ti,ab. (12358) 56 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (4546) 57 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (151) 58 urban ecosystem.ti,ab. (258) 59 or/51-58 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (17344) 60 "land use change*".ti,ab. (6785) 61 habitat loss.ti,ab. (2377) 62 soil erosion.ti,ab. (7473) 63 soil quality.ti,ab. (2900) 64 land cover change*.ti,ab. (2143) 65 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (19) 66 deforestation.ti,ab. (6370) 67 land degredation.ti,ab. (1) 68 exp erosion/ (44220) 69 exp environmental change/ (127024) 70 or/60-69 [LAND USE CHANGE] (177881) 71 coast/ (1028) 72 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. (6448) 73 or/71-72 [COASTS] (7439) 74 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (1414) 75 exp water resource/ or water availability/ (15338) 76 exp water/ (117105) 77 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (77) 78 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (286) 79 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (49235) 80 aquifer*.ti,ab. (22849) 81 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (1259) 82 water security.ti,ab. (276) 83 global water cycle.ti,ab. (121) 84 water availab*.ti,ab. (5440) 85 water scarcity.ti,ab. (1318) 86 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (0) 87 or/75-86 [FRESHWATER] (167880) 88 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (15) 89 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (1245) 90 work capacity.ti,ab. (28) 91 or/88-90 [WORK CAPACITY] (1288) 92 exp mankind/ or exp human population/ (0) 93 animals/ (23) 94 92 and 93 (0) 95 93 not 94 (23) 96 exp food/ (21408) 97 food secur*.ti,ab. (3594) 98 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (781) 99 nutrition secur.ti,ab. (0) 100 global food product*.ti,ab. (77) 101 food supply.ti,ab. (3559) 102 "feed the future".ti,ab. (10) 103 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (6623) 104 global yield.ti,ab. (19) 105 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (5367) 106 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (167) 107 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (1257) 108 crop failture.ti,ab. (0) 109 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 110 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 111 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (1104) 112 sustainable food.ti,ab. (202) 113 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (238) 114 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 115 aquaculture.ti,ab. (8087) 116 pollinator*.ti,ab. (5015) 117 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (53) 118 food afford*.ti,ab. (8) 119 or/96-118 [FOOD SUPPLY] (50538) 120 3 or 14 or 22 or 50 or 59 or 70 or 73 or 74 or 87 or 91 or 119 (581705) 121 (2379) 122 (meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys*).tw,sh. (3225) 123 (systematic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (1519) 124 (systematic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (83) 125 (quantitativ* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (342) 126 (quantitativ* adj5 overview).tw,sh. (36) 127 (quantitativ* adj5 synthesis*).tw,sh. (86) 128 (methodologic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (234) 129 (methodologic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (41) 130 (integrative research review* or research integration).tw. (15) 131 or/121-130 (5130) 132 131 not 95 (5130) 133 120 and 132 (1530) 134 limit 133 to english language (1506) OvidSP Food Science and Technology Abstracts Search run 22 September 2014, 1969 to 2014 September Week 3 1 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (1) 2 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or green space*) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (253) 3 1 or 2 [ECOHEALTH] (253) 4 species-rich*.ti,ab. (42) 5 biodivers*.ti,ab. (642) 6 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (3) 7 biologial divers*.ti,ab. (0) 8 extinct* rate.ti,ab. (1) 9 global protected area.ti,ab. (0) 10 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (12) 11 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (0) 12 or/4-11 [BIODIVERSITY] (698) 13 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (0) 14 (Anthropocene or Anthropogenic).ti,ab. (293) 15 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (0) 16 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (174) 17 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (0) 18 or/13-17 [ANTHROPOCENE] (465) 19 exp climate/ (1485) 20 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (561) 21 global warming.ti,ab. (121) 22 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (21) 23 global temperature.ti,ab. (3) 24 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (3) 25 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (210) 26 elevated carbon-dioxide.ti,ab. (36) 27 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (159) 28 snow pack.ti,ab. (2) 29 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (3) 30 cloud cover.ti,ab. (6) 31 rainfall pattern.ti,ab. (3) 32 extreme weather.ti,ab. (32) 33 thermal threshold.ti,ab. (2) 34 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (10) 35 water stress.ti,ab. (443) 36 extended drought*.ti,ab. (1) 37 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (28) 38 flood*.ti,ab. (536) 39 storm surge*.ti,ab. (1) 40 landslide*.ti,ab. (1) 41 (wildfire or wild-fire).ti,ab. (4) 42 tropical cyclone.ti,ab. (1) 43 windstorm.ti,ab. (0) 44 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (14) 45 or/19-44 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (3229) 46 exosystem* change*.ti,ab. (0) 47 human-landscape.ti,ab. (0) 48 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (1) 49 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (0) 50 environment* change*.ti,ab. (224) 51 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (11) 52 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (16) 53 urban ecosystem.ti,ab. (0) 54 or/46-53 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (252) 55 "land use change*".ti,ab. (17) 56 habitat loss.ti,ab. (3) 57 soil erosion.ti,ab. (22) 58 soil quality.ti,ab. (63) 59 land cover change*.ti,ab. (1) 60 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (0) 61 deforestation.ti,ab. (17) 62 land degredation.ti,ab. (0) 63 or/55-62 [LAND USE CHANGE] (120) 64 coasts/ or exp marine areas/ (0) 65 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. [COASTS] (35) 66 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (68) 67 exp water/ (36784) 68 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (0) 69 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (14) 70 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (1953) 71 aquifer*.ti,ab. (281) 72 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (12) 73 water security.ti,ab. (20) 74 global water cycle.ti,ab. (1) 75 water availab*.ti,ab. (287) 76 water scarcity.ti,ab. (59) 77 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (1) 78 or/67-77 [FRESHWATER] (37199) 79 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (4) 80 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (119) 81 work capacity.ti,ab. (18) 82 or/79-81 [WORK CAPACITY] (141) 83 exp mankind/ or exp human population/ (0) 84 animals/ (4974) 85 83 and 84 (0) 86 84 not 85 (4974) 87 food security/ (1870) 88 food secur*.ti,ab. (1731) 89 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (824) 90 nutrition secur.ti,ab. (0) 91 global food product*.ti,ab. (20) 92 food supply.ti,ab. (1677) 93 "feed the future".ti,ab. (8) 94 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (436) 95 global yield.ti,ab. (21) 96 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (357) 97 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (24) 98 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (225) 99 crop failture.ti,ab. (0) 100 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 101 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 102 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (17) 103 sustainable food.ti,ab. (184) 104 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (14) 105 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 106 aquaculture.ti,ab. (1562) 107 pollinator*.ti,ab. (57) 108 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (26) 109 food afford*.ti,ab. (11) 110 or/87-109 [FOOD SUPPLY] (6722) 111 (467) 112 (meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys*).tw,sh. (1219) 113 (systematic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (1175) 114 (systematic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (10) 115 (quantitativ* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (80) 116 (quantitativ* adj5 overview).tw,sh. (4) 117 (quantitativ* adj5 synthesis*).tw,sh. (31) 118 (methodologic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (44) 119 (methodologic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (1) 120 (integrative research review* or research integration).tw. (0) 121 or/111-120 (2030) 122 121 not 86 (2025) 123 3 or 12 or 18 or 45 or 54 or 63 or 65 or 66 or 78 or 82 or 110 (48014) 124 122 and 123 (79) 125 limit 124 to english (78) OvidSP AGRIS Search run 22 September 2014, 1975 to August 2014 1 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (8) 2 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or green space*) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (452) 3 1 or 2 [ECOHEALTH] (456) 4 biodiversity/ (14516) 5 species-rich*.ti,ab. (2609) 6 biodivers*.ti,ab. (8319) 7 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (75) 8 biologial divers*.ti,ab. (0) 9 extinct* rate.ti,ab. (23) 10 global protected area.ti,ab. (1) 11 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (268) 12 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (1) 13 or/4-12 [BIODIVERSITY] (20886) 14 exp nature conservation/ (21176) 15 exp ecosystems/ (44202) 16 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (59) 17 (Anthropocene or Anthropogenic).ti,ab. (3999) 18 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (0) 19 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (705) 20 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (0) 21 or/14-20 [ANTHROPOCENE] (66359) 22 climatic change/ (7502) 23 exp weather hazards/ (9658) 24 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (7923) 25 global warming.ti,ab. (1592) 26 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (428) 27 global temperature.ti,ab. (74) 28 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (493) 29 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (960) 30 elevated carbon-dioxide.ti,ab. (164) 31 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (49) 32 snow pack.ti,ab. (19) 33 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (95) 34 cloud cover.ti,ab. (188) 35 rainfall pattern.ti,ab. (136) 36 extreme weather.ti,ab. (171) 37 thermal threshold.ti,ab. (41) 38 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (88) 39 water stress.ti,ab. (5156) 40 extended drought*.ti,ab. (16) 41 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (113) 42 flood*.ti,ab. (12797) 43 storm surge*.ti,ab. (187) 44 landslide*.ti,ab. (884) 45 (wildfire or wild-fire).ti,ab. (540) 46 tropical cyclone.ti,ab. (88) 47 windstorm.ti,ab. (33) 48 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (73) 49 or/22-48 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (43186) 50 ecosystems/ (26397) 51 exosystem* change*.ti,ab. (0) 52 human-landscape.ti,ab. (14) 53 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (24) 54 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (4) 55 environment* change*.ti,ab. (1883) 56 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (625) 57 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (18) 58 urban ecosystem.ti,ab. (40) 59 or/50-58 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (28656) 60 "land use change*".ti,ab. (1202) 61 habitat loss.ti,ab. (221) 62 soil erosion.ti,ab. (4045) 63 soil quality.ti,ab. (1089) 64 land cover change*.ti,ab. (226) 65 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (7) 66 deforestation.ti,ab. (1648) 67 land degredation.ti,ab. (1) 68 erosion/ (11679) 69 exp land clearing/ (3628) 70 exp environmental degradation/ (2458) 71 or/60-70 [LAND USE CHANGE] (22251) 72 coasts/ or exp marine areas/ (18730) 73 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. (1502) 74 or/72-73 [COASTS] (19909) 75 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (411) 76 exp water resources/ or water availability/ (60386) 77 exp water/ (38409) 78 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (16) 79 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (77) 80 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (16729) 81 aquifer*.ti,ab. (5069) 82 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (457) 83 water security.ti,ab. (91) 84 global water cycle.ti,ab. (16) 85 water availab*.ti,ab. (1513) 86 water scarcity.ti,ab. (474) 87 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (0) 88 or/76-87 [FRESHWATER] (99657) 89 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (19) 90 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (678) 91 work capacity.ti,ab. (83) 92 or/89-91 [WORK CAPACITY] (779) 93 exp mankind/ or exp human population/ (56050) 94 animals/ (179374) 95 93 and 94 (2147) 96 94 not 95 (177227) 97 food supply/ (5549) 98 food security/ (8710) 99 food secur*.ti,ab. (4602) 100 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (502) 101 nutrition secur.ti,ab. (0) 102 global food product*.ti,ab. (26) 103 food supply.ti,ab. (1953) 104 "feed the future".ti,ab. (14) 105 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (8079) 106 global yield.ti,ab. (1) 107 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (6337) 108 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (130) 109 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (2496) 110 crop failture.ti,ab. (0) 111 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 112 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (0) 113 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (624) 114 sustainable food.ti,ab. (189) 115 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (131) 116 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 117 aquaculture.ti,ab. (8222) 118 pollinator*.ti,ab. (2214) 119 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (51) 120 food afford*.ti,ab. (3) 121 or/97-120 [FOOD SUPPLY] (43185) 122 3 or 13 or 21 or 49 or 59 or 71 or 74 or 75 or 88 or 92 or 121 (277204) 123 (191) 124 (meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys*).tw,sh. (622) 125 (systematic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (289) 126 (systematic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (12) 127 (quantitativ* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (104) 128 (quantitativ* adj5 overview).tw,sh. (6) 129 (quantitativ* adj5 synthesis*).tw,sh. (46) 130 (methodologic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (54) 131 (methodologic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (9) 132 (integrative research review* or research integration).tw. (5) 133 or/123-132 (1085) 134 133 not 96 (1069) 135 122 and 134 (180) 136 limit 135 to english language (132) Search strategy used in OvidSP CAB Abstracts Search run 22 September 2014, 1990 to 2014 Week 37 1 (eco-health or ecohealth).ti,ab. (74) 2 ((eco or ecolog* or nature or green space*) adj8 (health or well-being or wellbeing or welfare)).ti,ab. (3228) 3 1 or 2 [ECOHEALTH] (3273) 4 species diversity/ or biodiversity/ (79761) 5 species-rich*.ti,ab. (24177) 6 biodivers*.ti,ab. (45196) 7 species-extinct*.ti,ab. (473) 8 biologial divers*.ti,ab. (2) 9 extinct* rate.ti,ab. (134) 10 global protected area.ti,ab. (15) 11 aquatic resources.ti,ab. (492) 12 wildlife decline.ti,ab. (8) 13 or/4-12 [BIODIVERSITY] (101890) 14 landscape conservation/ (1530) 15 conservation areas/ (2901) 16 conservation/ (27558) 17 nature conservation/ (28592) 18 resource conservation/ (5611) 19 wildlife conservation/ (16370) 20 environmental protection/ (16227) 21 ecosystems/ (32971) 22 human activity/ (16236) 23 21 and 22 (1372) 24 planetary boundar*.ti,ab. (253) 25 (Anthropocene or Anthropogenic).ti,ab. (25353) 26 global tipping point*.ti,ab. (1) 27 ((environment* or global) adj1 sustainab*).ti,ab. (4128) 28 biosphere integrity.ti,ab. (1) 29 or/14-20,23-28 [ANTHROPOCENE] (113304) 30 exp climate change/ (27070) 31 weather/ (11815) 32 natural disasters/ (6492) 33 31 and 32 (152) 34 (climate adj1 (change* or variability or disruption)).ti,ab. (47942) 35 global warming.ti,ab. (9642) 36 greenhouse effect*.ti,ab. (1265) 37 global temperature.ti,ab. (503) 38 sea-level rise.ti,ab. (1863) 39 "elevated co2".ti,ab. (5204) 40 elevated carbon-dioxide.ti,ab. (701) 41 carbon footprint.ti,ab. (620) 42 snow pack.ti,ab. (205) 43 thermal stratification.ti,ab. (359) 44 cloud cover.ti,ab. (1044) 45 rainfall pattern.ti,ab. (677) 46 extreme weather.ti,ab. (1117) 47 thermal threshold.ti,ab. (197) 48 extreme temperature.ti,ab. (443) 49 water stress.ti,ab. (16943) 50 extended drought*.ti,ab. (189) 51 (heatwave* or heat-wave*).ti,ab. (735) 52 flood*.ti,ab. (42690) 53 storm surge*.ti,ab. (484) 54 landslide*.ti,ab. (3898) 55 (wildfire or wild-fire).ti,ab. (3745) 56 tropical cyclone.ti,ab. (472) 57 windstorm.ti,ab. (166) 58 (cold adj1 extreme*).ti,ab. (445) 59 or/30,33-58 [CLIMATE CHANGE] (133299) 60 ecosystems/ (32971) 61 exosystem* change*.ti,ab. (0) 62 human-landscape.ti,ab. (69) 63 global ecosystem.ti,ab. (139) 64 "health of the planet".ti,ab. (12) 65 environment* change*.ti,ab. (9872) 66 ecosystem* function*.ti,ab. (4936) 67 environmental footprint.ti,ab. (190) 68 urban ecosystem.ti,ab. (205) 69 or/60-68 [ECOSYSTEM CHANGE] (45418) 70 "land use change*".ti,ab. (8039) 71 habitat loss.ti,ab. (2266) 72 soil erosion.ti,ab. (12066) 73 soil quality.ti,ab. (6769) 74 land cover change*.ti,ab. (2246) 75 nutrient run-off.ti,ab. (22) 76 deforestation.ti,ab. (9522) 77 land degredation.ti,ab. (1) 78 erosion/ (25179) 79 from 59 keep 1 (1) 80 exp runoff/ (25084) 81 exp environmental degradation/ (45652) 82 or/70-81 [LAND USE CHANGE] (106407) 83 coastal areas/ (17994) 84 (coast* adj1 (buffer degradation or system* or zone* or vulnerab*)).ti,ab. (3229) 85 or/83-84 [COASTS] (19387) 86 ((ocean or sea*) adj1 (acid* or ph)).ti,ab. [OCEAN ACIDIFICATION] (810) 87 groundwater pollution/ (11920) 88 exp water/ (251527) 89 (global freshwater or global fresh-water).ti,ab. (79) 90 ((freshwater or fresh-water) adj1 (provision or provid* or supply)).ti,ab. (227) 91 (groundwater or ground-water).ti,ab. (48730) 92 aquifer*.ti,ab. (16163) 93 water resource manag*.ti,ab. (1687) 94 water security.ti,ab. (482) 95 global water cycle.ti,ab. (84) 96 water availab*.ti,ab. (9207) 97 water scarcity.ti,ab. (2308) 98 (water adj1 (overconsumpt* or over-consumpt*)).ti,ab. (3) 99 or/87-98 [FRESHWATER] (274316) 100 ((labor or labour) adj1 capacity).ti,ab. (44) 101 ((labor or labour) adj1 productiv*).ti,ab. (1388) 102 work capacity.ti,ab. (336) 103 or/100-102 [WORK CAPACITY] (1757) 104 man/ (675506) 105 animals/ (2493761) 106 104 and 105 (675445) 107 105 not 106 (1818316) 108 food supply/ (5933) 109 food security/ (11758) 110 food secur*.ti,ab. (14399) 111 (food insecur* or food-insecur*).ti,ab. (3205) 112 nutrition secur.ti,ab. (0) 113 global food product*.ti,ab. (192) 114 food supply.ti,ab. (5449) 115 "feed the future".ti,ab. (34) 116 (agricultural productivity or agricultural production).ti,ab. (20251) 117 global yield.ti,ab. (45) 118 (crop production or crop productivity).ti,ab. (20062) 119 (fisheries production or fisheries productivity).ti,ab. (219) 120 (livestock production or livestock productivity).ti,ab. (6713) 121 crop failture.ti,ab. (0) 122 eco-agri-food system.ti,ab. (0) 123 "environmental burden of food".ti,ab. (3) 124 agro-ecosystem*.ti,ab. (2732) 125 sustainable food.ti,ab. (1001) 126 sustainable fisheries.ti,ab. (249) 127 fisheries degradation.ti,ab. (0) 128 aquaculture.ti,ab. (18350) 129 pollinator*.ti,ab. (10297) 130 (food price adj2 (spike* or increase*)).ti,ab. (132) 131 food afford*.ti,ab. (26) 132 or/108-131 [FOOD SUPPLY] (99157) 133 3 or 13 or 29 or 59 or 69 or 82 or 85 or 86 or 99 or 103 or 132 (709170) 134 (4137) 135 (meta-analys* or meta analys* or metaanalys*).tw,sh. (7624) 136 (systematic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (6787) 137 (systematic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (145) 138 (quantitativ* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (1524) 139 (quantitativ* adj5 overview).tw,sh. (60) 140 (quantitativ* adj5 synthesis*).tw,sh. (287) 141 (methodologic* adj5 review*).tw,sh. (412) 142 (methodologic* adj5 overview*).tw,sh. (57) 143 (integrative research review* or research integration).tw. (24) 144 or/134-143 (14320) 145 144 not 107 (12334) 146 133 and 145 (1335) 147 limit 146 to english language (1253) Other sources of information The following other sources of information were included: 1. The contents of the Campbell Collaboration website were hand searched. 2. The contents of the Environmental Evidence website were hand searched. 3. Sarah Whitmee shared 260 references she had previously collected on the topic. 4. Steve Osofsky shared the bibliography compiled as part of the HEAL project, online at This contains 247 references.