medcode,readterm 398,congestive heart failure 505,acute cholecystitis 593,crohn's disease 704,ulcerative colitis 760,gallstones 844,rheumatoid arthritis 1638,cirrhosis of liver nos 1784,ulcerative colitis and/or proctitis 1796,inflammatory bowel disease 1924,cholecystitis nos 2081,alcoholism 2834,viral hepatitis c without mention of hepatic coma 2835,hiv positive 2860,viral (serum) hepatitis b 2925,alcoholic polyneuropathy 3146,viral hepatitis 3216,acute alcoholic hepatitis 3450,diffuse nodular cirrhosis 3599,cholelithiasis 3859,pulmonary sarcoidosis 3865,sarcoidosis 4186,juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - still's disease 4403,liver metastases 4416,gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis 4500,korsakov's alcoholic psychosis 4506,alcoholic gastritis 4743,alcoholic cirrhosis of liver 4915,alcoholic cardiomyopathy 5638,primary biliary cirrhosis 5740,acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism 5749,h/o: ulcerative colitis 5758,[x]chronic alcoholism 6015,[x]other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver 6467,[x]alcoholic hallucinosis 6551,h/o: gallbladder disease 6639,h/o: rheumatoid arthritis 6766,[v]screening for rheumatoid arthritis 6800,viral hepatitis carrier 6863,cirrhosis and chronic liver disease 6916,seronegative rheumatoid arthritis 7123,[v]personal history of alcoholism 7459,chronic cholecystitis 7602,chronic alcoholic hepatitis 7871,systemic lupus erythematosus 7885,alcoholic liver damage unspecified 7943,alcoholic hepatitis 8166,malignant neoplasm of pancreas 8206,pigmentary cirrhosis of liver 8281,hiv disease resulting in wasting syndrome 8350,flare of rheumatoid arthritis 8363,oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver 8430,h/o: alcoholism 8435,fh: rheumatoid arthritis 8771,malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas 8918,malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 9359,crohn's disease of the small bowel nos 9494,biliary cirrhosis 9508,[x]acute alcoholic drunkenness 9707,seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis 10161,o/e - alcoholic breath 10234,non-alcoholic fatty liver 10458,[v]screening for alcoholism 10539,chronic liver disease nos 10691,alcoholic fatty liver 11106,korsakov's alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis 11119,cdai - crohn's disease activity index 11286,regional enteritis - crohn's disease 11337,crohn's disease activity index 11920,systemic lupus erythematosus with pericarditis 12019,"seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified" 12366,congestive heart failure monitoring 12438,gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis 12575,juvenile arthritis in crohn's disease 12660,fh: ulcerative colitis 13232,fh: crohn's disease 14303,rheumatoid arthritis particle agglutination test 15103,secondary malignant neoplasm of liver 15404,husband alcoholic 15424,secondary biliary cirrhosis 15602,gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct nos 15735,acute cholecystitis nos 15907,malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts nos 16105,malignant neoplasm of gallbladder 16126,primary carcinoma of liver 16237,alcoholic psychoses 16455,non-alcoholic cirrhosis nos 16480,rheumatoid arthritis screen 16725,cirrhosis - non alcoholic 16766,[v]viral hepatitis carrier 16931,carcinoma in situ of pancreas 17330,alcoholic hepatic failure 17578,benign neoplasm of liver 17607,[x]alcoholic psychosis nos 17641,arthropathy in ulcerative colitis 17901,suspected gallstones 18156,alcoholics anonymous 18739,cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver 19512,glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis 19554,fh: alcoholism 20137,unspecified viral hepatitis 20469,fh: gallbladder disease 20480,arthropathy in crohn's disease 20688,crohn's disease of the large bowel nos 21358,rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder 21533,pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 21624,episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism 21713,alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver 22516,exacerbation of ulcerative colitis 22697,bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis 22841,macronodular cirrhosis of liver 23707,acute congestive heart failure 23835,korsakoff's non-alcoholic psychosis 23951,hiv disease resulting in candidiasis 24064,continuous chronic alcoholism 24485,chronic alcoholism in remission 24813,chronic viral hepatitis b with delta-agent 25310,carcinoma in situ of liver 25535,primary malignant neoplasm of liver 26106,episodic chronic alcoholism 26319,oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver 26323,[x]alcoholic dementia nos 26367,chronic viral hepatitis 26393,malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified 26405,hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis 26889,bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis 27258,viral hepatitis screening test 27342,alcoholic dementia nos 27437,cholelithiasis nos 27438,cardiac portal cirrhosis 27557,juvenile rheumatoid arthritis nos 27603,rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy 27641,hiv disease resulting in pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 27769,sarcoidosis of skin 27853,hiv disease resulting in kaposi's sarcoma 28476,crohn's disease of the terminal ileum 28853,fibrosing alveolitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis 29519,systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv 29616,orofacial crohn's disease 29691,aversion therapy - alcoholism 30162,[x]alcoholic paranoia 30404,alcoholic paranoia 30460,alcoholism counselling 30586,chronic viral hepatitis c 30926,other specified viral hepatitis without coma 31054,rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint 31209,myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis 31210,hepatoblastoma of liver 31360,juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 31393,carcinoma gallbladder 31443,chronic alcoholism 31564,lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus 31650,bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction 31742,alcoholic myopathy 31765,[v]contact with and exposure to viral hepatitis 31897,liver abscess and sequelae of chronic liver disease 32277,"chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified" 32671,chronic congestive heart failure 33597,other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease nos 33635,chronic alcoholism nos 33670,other alcoholic psychosis 33839,cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism 33980,sarcoidosis of lung 34063,cholelithiasis nos 34087,cytomegaloviral hepatitis 34388,malignant neoplasm of pancreas nos 34683,bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis 35046,gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis 36147,secondary malignant neoplasm of liver 36276,monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 36296,acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism nos 36748,alcoholic encephalopathy 36879,bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction 36913,exacerbation of crohn's disease of small intestine 36942,drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus 37006,hiv disease resulting in mycobacterial infection 37691,[x]chronic alcoholic brain syndrome 37946,chronic alcoholic brain syndrome 38289,acute suppurative cholecystitis 38978,malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts nos 39025,bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction 39037,exacerbation of crohn's disease of large intestine 39278,crohn's disease of the ileum nos 39870,malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas 40520,neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of liver 40530,"acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism" 40541,accidental poisoning by alcoholic beverages 40567,capsular portal cirrhosis 40751,polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis 40810,malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas 40963,portal fibrosis without cirrhosis 41018,acute gangrenous cholecystitis 41096,chronic viral hepatitis b without delta-agent 41185,[x]dementia in human immunodef virus [hiv] disease 41251,bmast - brief michigan alcoholism screening test 41941,rheumatoid arthritis of pip joint of finger 42299,rheumatoid arthritis of mcp joint 42719,systemic lupus erythematosus nos 42843,other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease 43193,unspecified chronic alcoholism 43544,rheumatoid arthritis screening test 44120,toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver 44203,other rheumatoid arthritis of spine 44399,primary malignant neoplasm of liver nos 44605,acute cholecystitis unspecified 44617,hiv disease resulting in burkitt's lymphoma 44649,bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction 44676,fatty portal cirrhosis 44743,rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine 45172,other cholecystitis 45725,benign neoplasm of gallbladder 45726,systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index 45939,sequelae of viral hepatitis 46248,acute emphysematous cholecystitis 47257,portal cirrhosis 47536,gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct 47555,cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism 47632,"hiv disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,nec" 47672,nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus 47718,myositis in sarcoidosis 47831,acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 47888,cholelithiasis without obstruction nos 48102,other sequelae of chronic liver disease 48537,malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas 48587,gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction 48832,rheumatoid arthritis of wrist 48928,infectious cirrhosis nos 49067,rheumatoid arthritis of hip 49075,sarcoidosis of lymph nodes 49106,gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis 49202,gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct 49454,meningitis due to sarcoidosis 50076,hiv disease resulting in multiple infections 50863,rheumatoid arthritis of knee 51238,rheumatoid arthritis of 1st mtp joint 51239,rheumatoid arthritis of ankle 51798,systemic lupus activity measure 52519,myopathy due to sarcoidosis 53743,[x]other ulcerative colitis 54103,malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts 54505,other alcoholic dementia 54853,gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr 55454,portal cirrhosis unspecified 55612,multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis 55962,viral hepatitis a with coma 56202,"[x]seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified" 56441,michigan alcoholism screening test 56947,continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism 57714,alcohol dependence with acute alcoholic intoxication 58177,[v]personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver 58184,indian childhood cirrhosis 58630,biliary cirrhosis nos 58706,[x]other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus 58841,sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes 59573,"viral hepatitis comp pregnancy, childbirth & the puerperium" 59574,"acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism" 59738,rheumatoid arthritis of elbow 59994,crohn's disease nos 60312,malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct 61298,bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction nos 61367,gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc 62401,polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis 62988,cholelithiasis with obstruction nos 63198,rheumatoid arthritis of dip joint of finger 63208,gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct 63258,other cholecystitis os 63365,rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint 64132,gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst nos 65050,viral hepatitis c with coma 65117,hiv disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis 65335,other specified viral hepatitis without mention of coma nos 65678,benign neoplasm of liver and biliary ducts 65932,[x]alcoholic jealousy 66238,crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified 66368,hiv disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease 66673,carcinoma in situ of liver and biliary system 66713,"bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction" 67575,hiv disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm 67651,alcoholic psychosis nos 67779,congenital viral hepatitis 68111,other alcoholic psychosis nos 68376,florid cirrhosis 68967,[x]viral hepatitis 69053,viral hepatitis b with coma 69204,multilobular portal cirrhosis 69331,mast - michigan alcoholism screening test 69552,other specified viral hepatitis with coma 69721,bile duct calculus without cholecystitis nos 69766,hiv infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy 69767,[x]hiv disease resulting in other non-hodgkin's lymphoma 69959,[x]other crohn's disease 70221,[x]other specified rheumatoid arthritis 70658,rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint 70939,munich alcoholism test 71083,juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis 71134,gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct nos 71427,neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of liver and biliary passage 71450,hiv disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease 71784,rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint 72595,sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates 72904,acute angiocholecystitis 73284,[x]sarcoidosis of other and combined sites 73482,bacterial portal cirrhosis 73619,rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint 89587,other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma nos 91591,biliary cirrhosis of children 92909,hypertrophic portal cirrhosis 93715,[x]other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis 94870,congestive heart failure due to valvular disease 95783,malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas nos 96664,juvenile portal cirrhosis 96679,bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct nos 96751,"[x]hiv disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,nec" 96795,[x]other cholelithiasis 98540,carcinoma in situ of liver or biliary system nos 98805,[x]other specified acute viral hepatitis 99414,rheumatoid arthritis of lesser mtp joint 99985,brief michigan alcoholism screening test 100187,disease activity score in rheumatoid arthritis 100253,xanthomatous portal cirrhosis 100405,history of viral hepatitis 100474,laennec's cirrhosis 100769,[x]unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease 100776,rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint 100914,rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint 101538,[x]other cholecystitis 101954,[x]sequelae of viral hepatitis 102088,delivery of rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthritis 102117,[x]hiv disease resulting in multiple infections 102252,[x]hiv disease resulting in other specified conditions 102922,cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis 103829,disease activity score 28 joint in rheumatoid arthritis 104134,[x]hiv disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases 104435,acute viral hepatitis nos 104466,hiv disease complicating pregnancy childbirth puerperium 104717,hiv disease resulting in pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia 105324,hiv disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms 105507,rheumatoid arthritis annual review 106017,viral hepatitis without hepatic coma 106086,slam - systemic lupus activity measure 106092,except rheumatoid arthritis qual indicator: informed dissent 106093,exception reporting: rheumatoid arthritis quality indicators 106118,except rheumatoid arthritis quality indicator: pt unsuitable 106440,[x]rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems 127,Patient pregnant 294,Antenatal care 444,Referral to antenatal clinic 447,Placenta praevia 617,Toxaemia NOS 906,Threatened abortion 1130,Twin pregnancy 1413,Intrauterine death 1593,Transverse presentation 1668,Iron deficiency anaemia of pregnancy 1850,Shirodkar suture in pregnancy 1972,Amniocentesis NEC 2029,Antenatal ultrasound scan 2278,Requests pregnancy termination 2382,U-S obstetric diagn. scan NOS 2549,Breech presentation 2602,Cystitis of pregnancy 2638,Pregnancy complications 2664,Gestational diabetes mellitus 2787,Antepartum haemorrhage 2937,Rubella contact in pregnancy 3029,Infections of kidney in pregnancy 3030,Urine pregnancy test positive 3191,Abdominal pain in pregnancy 3221,Sampling of chorionic villus NEC 3327,Hyperemesis gravidarum 3364,Eclampsia - not delivered 3517,A/N booking examination 3766,Haemorrhage in early pregnancy 3786,A/N care: risk NOS 4536,Pregnancy confirmed 4697,Intrauterine growth retardation 4723,Ablatio placentae 4797,U-S obstetric scan normal 5044,Unwanted pregnancy 5693,Glycosuria during pregnancy 5709,Pregnancy care 5832,Morning sickness 6095,Seen in antenatal clinic 6184,[V]Normal pregnancy 6298,[V]Antenatal screening 6580,[V]Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems 6649,Urinary tract infection complicating pregnancy 7103,Fetus affected by maternal toxaemia 7517,Unplanned pregnancy 7845,Antenatal care 8067,Placental abruption 8076,Refer to TOP counselling 8147,Fetal death in utero 8446,Gestational diabetes mellitus 8744,"Pre-eclampsia, unspecified" 8846,Suspect fetal spina bifida 8870,Maternal drug abuse 8879,Estimated date of delivery 8889,Ante-natal exercises 9067,Severe pre-eclampsia 9164,Fetal U-S scan 9231,Generally contracted pelvis 9408,Bleeding in early pregnancy 9429,Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia 9501,Fetal heart monitoring NEC 9542,Maternal care for intrauterine growth retardation 9546,A/N care: obstetric risk 9580,Foetal monitoring 9754,Early stage of pregnancy 9986,Pregnancy care 10056,Antenatal examinations 10173,Pregnant abdomen observation 10184,Pregnancy smoking advice 10185,Excessive pregnancy vomiting 10206,CTG observations 10261,Risk factors in pregnancy 10278,Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy 10306,Weeks pregnant 10775,Iron supplement in pregnancy 11294,Polyhydramnios 11422,Pregnancy problem 11760,Unspecified pregnancy vomiting 11989,Referral for termination of pregnancy 12013,Reduced fetal movements 12090,Eclampsia 12230,Maternal care for fetal tachycardia during pregnancy 12260,A/N Rh antibody screen 12521,Excessive weight gain in pregnancy 12625,Obstetric monitoring 12890,Confirmation of pregnancy 13163,Delivery booking place 13164,Delivery booking - place NOS 13165,Patient currently pregnant 13166,A/N 16 week examination 13167,A/N 12 weeks examination 13168,Antenatal examination NOS 13169,A/N 24 week examination 13170,A/N 34 week examination 13171,A/N 32 week examination 13276,Fetal distress - affecting management 13288,O/E - breech presentation 13299,Hydrops fetalis due to other+unspcfd haemolytic disease 13303,Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC 13308,A/N care: social risk 13413,Maternity care 13414,Downs screen - blood test 13415,A/N care midwifery led 13416,Antenatal sickle cell screen 13417,Antenatal syphilis screen 13418,Antenatal blood tests 13419,Antenatal blood group screen 13672,Refer to early pregnancy unit 13819,Antenatal amniocentesis 13820,Diagnostic amniocentesis 13821,A/N amniocentesis - normal 13822,A/N amniocentesis - abnormal 13965,Ultra-sound scan - obstetric 13968,Antenatal ultrasound confirms intra-uterine pregnancy 13997,Nuchal scan 14083,Antenatal ultrasound scan NOS 14084,Antenatal ultrasound scan at 9-16 weeks 14085,Antenatal ultrasounds scan at 4-8 weeks 14086,A/N U/S scan abnormal 14644,UTI - urinary tract infection in pregnancy 14651,Illegitimate pregnancy 14739,Cephalo-pelvic disproportion 14762,"Antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placentae, placenta praevia" 14842,Pregnant - unplanned - wanted 14867,Mild pre-eclampsia 14877,Pregnant - ? planned 14899,Patient pregnant NOS 14925,Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS 14994,"Pregnant, sheath failure" 15033,[V]Other unwanted pregnancy 15061,Hyperemesis of pregnancy 15065,Pregnancy vitamin/iron prophyl 15338,Pregnancy unplanned ? wanted 15418,Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - not delivered 15433,Multiple pregnancy 15485,Hydramnios 15567,Pregnant -unplanned-not wanted 15610,External version of breech 15634,Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy NOS 15670,Mild hyperemesis gravidarum 15685,Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother 16215,Pregnant - urine test confirms 16250,Phlegmasia alba dolens - obstetric 16348,Maternal distress 16611,"[V]Pregnant state, incidental" 16613,Antenatal ultrasound result received 16750,Antenatal care: primigravida 16775,Pregnancy pruritus 16871,Umbilical cord complications 16879,Mild pre-eclampsia 16901,Maternity services admin. 16963,Fetoscopic blood transfusion of fetus 16975,Gestation - multiple 17317,Placenta praevia with haemorrhage 17402,Braxton-Hicks contractions 17502,Referral to midwife 17581,Open removal of products of conception from uterus NEC 17805,Moderate pre-eclampsia 17947,Pregnancy review 18258,Liver disorder in pregnancy 18500,Viable pregnancy 18536,Antenatal HIV screening 18810,Length of gestation 19101,Umbilical cord observations 19304,Normal CTG tracing 19575,Fetal growth retardation NOS 19581,"Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified" 19590,Fetal movements felt 19591, 19720,Fetal monitoring 19772,A/N amniocentesis - not wanted 19800,Ultrasound in obstetric diagn. 20118,Static weight gain pregnancy 20197,Triplet pregnancy 20240,Pregnant - planned 20320,Fetal death due to prelabour anoxia 20358,Mild hyperemesis unspecified 20401,"Uterine fibroid complicating a/n care, baby not delivered" 20439,Transient hypertension of pregnancy 20623,[V]Problems related to unwanted pregnancy 20721,Fetus operations 20809,Early or threatened labour 20826,Uterine fibroid affecting obstetric care 20907,Cystocele affecting obstetric care 20933,Preg. termination counselling 21119,Anaemia during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 21196,[V]High-risk pregnancy supervision 21229,Abnormal chromosomal and genet find/antenat screen of mother 21467,Membranous pregnancy 21526,Gestational hypertension 21543,Antenatal care: gravida No. 21893,Maternal care for hydrops fetalis 21931,Cervical incompetence 21957,AFP test - antenatal 22032,"Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition" 22193,Intrauterine pregnancy 22215,High risk pregnancy 22385,Length of gestation 22527,Cephalic version NOS 22557,Single pregnancy 22584,Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus 22775,Other antepartum haemorrhage 22815,O/E - fetal movements 22974,Consultant unit booking 22975,G.P. unit delivery booking 22976,Home delivery booked 23013,A/N care: uncertain dates 23316,False labour 23334,Albuminuria in pregnancy without hypertension 23372,Elderly primigravida 23373,Post-term pregnancy 23421,IUD failure - pregnant 23438,Risk factors in pregnancy NOS 23495,Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy 23525,Other threatened labour 23565,Known or suspected fetal abnormality 23617,Malposition and malpresentation of fetus 23667,Antenatal deep vein thrombosis 23751,Large-for-dates fetus in pregnancy 23831,[V]Other specified pregnant state 23995,Post-term pregnancy 24038,Pregnancy benefits 24063,Pregnancy prolonged - 41 weeks 24067,Placenta praevia without haemorrhage 24170,Prolonged or post-term pregnancy 24214,A/N care from G.P. 24219,A/N care provider 24236,A/N care provider NOS 24303,Reason for termination of pregnancy 24518,Baby overdue 24603,Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy 24642,Percutaneous sampling of chorionic villus 24780,Umbilical cord problem 24903,Gravid uterus small-for-dates 24944,Pregnancy care of habitual aborter 25091,Premature uterine contraction 25130,Placenta problem 25131,Reported conception - pregnancy 25153,O/E - fetal movements felt 25230,Less 24 wk involv risk injury physic/mentl health preg woman 25331,- A/N 25332,Gravid uterus large-for-dates 25391,Alpha-feto protein test - A/N 25501,Low risk pregnancy 25545,Delivery place booked 25605,Threatened abortion NOS 25872,Other pregnancy complication NOS 25875,Fundal height high for dates 26055,Maternal care for fetal bradycardia during pregnancy 26201,Pregnancy with uncertain dates 26286,Cholestasis of pregnancy 26549,Delivery: no place booked 26550,A/N care from consultant 26551,A/N 39 week examination 26552,A/N 37 week examination 26553,A/N 38 week examination 26554,A/N 28 week examination 26555,Gestation <24 weeks 26556,Gestation >24 weeks 26690,A/N care: obstetric risk NOS 26691,A/N care: H/O perinatal death 26692,A/N care: poor obstetr history 26693,A/N care: medical risk 26694,A/N care: poor home conditions 26695,A/N care: social risk NOS 26696,A/N care: late booker 26821,Alpha-feto protein normal 26852,[V]Pregnancy with other poor obstetric history 26866,Other specified risk factors in pregnancy 26873,"DVT - deep venous thrombosis, antenatal" 26875,A/N care: recurrent aborter 27019,U-S obstetric scan requested 27056,Antenatal ultrasound scan at 17-22 weeks 27057,A/N U/S scan for ? abnormality 27312,Operation on gravid uterus NOS 27451,Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy unspecified 27614,Triple test 27670,Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol 27740,Other pregnancy complication NEC 27800,Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - not delivered 27833,Other pregnancy vomiting 27914,Delivery place planned 27980,Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy 27993,Home delivery planned 28103,Concealed pregnancy 28107,Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy no hypertension 28126,Antepartum bleeding 28156,Mild hyperemesis gravidarum NOS 28207,Repositioning of retroverted gravid uterus 28290,Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother 28732,Antenatal screening 28830,Labour not established 28928,Threatened premature labour 28977,Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion 29059,A/N - shared care 29087,Obstetric monitoring NOS 29205,Serum pregnancy test positive 29280,A/N 40 week examination 29364,A/N 20 week examination 29556,Placenta accreta without haemorrhage 29565,Gestational oedema 29593,Antenatal care: 3rd pregnancy 29610,A/N 36 week examination 29618,Antepartum haemorrhage NOS 29623,Rh screen - 2nd preg. sample 29627,A/N 30 week examination 29631,Antenatal care: 2nd pregnancy 29685,U-S obstetric scan abnormal 29692,"Pregnant, IUD failure" 29727,A/N 35 week examination 29746,Vitamin supplement - pregnancy 29786,Haemorrhoids in pregnancy 29908,McDonald cerclage of cervix 30302,Pregnancy operations 30351,Drugs in pregnancy advice 30365,Wanted pregnancy 30373,Estimated date of delivery from last period 30378,Rectocele complicating antenatal care - baby not delivered 30618,Unplanned pregnancy 30692,Fetus with chromosomal abnormality 30775,Midwife unit delivery booking 30797,A/N care: grand multip 30801,Misc. antenatal data NOS 30817,Pregnant - blood test confirms 30885,A/N U/S scan wanted 31017,High head at term 31033,Percutaneous insertion of fetal pleuroamniotic shunt 31110,Fundal height equal to dates 31162,Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy 31250,A/N care: primip. < 17 years 31251,A/N care: gynae. risk 31449,No A/N care: not known preg. 31570,Antenatal care: multip 31583,Oligohydramnios 31617,Mild hyperemesis-not delivered 32184,Other fetal problems 32283,Home delivery planned 32493,Presentation of pregnancy 32913,Obstetric pelvic observation 32950,Cornual pregnancy 32975,"Pregnant, diaphragm failure" 32988,Private home delivery booking 32991,Short stay delivery booking 33008,A/N care: multip. > 35 years 33009,A/N care: H/O child abuse 33258,Maternal care for diminished fetal movements 33287,A/N amniocentesis -not offered 33441,Maternal care for viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy 33715,"HELLP - Syndrome haemolysis, elev liver enzyme low platelets" 33940,Retroplacental clot 33964,"Failed medical abortion, without complication" 34046,Other obstetric operations 34081,Oligohydramnios NOS 34173,Proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy 34210,Bicornuate uterus affecting obstetric care 34260,Maternal hypotension syndrome 34265,Gestational proteinuria 34484,Gestation = 24 weeks 34505,Full term gestation - 40 weeks 34508,Downs screen blood test normal 34533,Private referral to obstetrician 34695,Malpresentation of fetus 34777,Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition 34938,Quadruplet pregnancy 34939,Intermittent uterine contractions 35044,Irritable uterus 35158,Normal pregnancy 35214,FHRV - Fetal heart rate variability 35484,Antenatal education 35509,A/N care: precious pregnancy 35510,A/N care: elderly primip. 35511,A/N care: H/O stillbirth 35512,A/N care: under 5ft tall 35513,A/N care: primip. > 30 years 35514,A/N care: precious preg. NOS 35558,"U-S scan - obstetric, diagn." 35592,Pregnant - V.E. confirms 35646,Transient hypertension of pregnancy NOS 35680,Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunisation 35701,Threatened abortion unspecified 35826,A/N U/S scan normal += dates 35855,Prolonged pregnancy NOS 35859,Pregnancy alcohol advice 35912,[V]Pregnancy confirmed 35932,Cerclage of cervix of gravid uterus 36006,Pregnancy complication NOS 36195,Other fetal problems 36207,Unstable lie NOS 36226,Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screen of mother 36235,Pregnancy exercise advice 36248,Barts test 36375,Niggling uterine contractions 36394,Pregnancy induced oedema+proteinuria without hypertension 36421,Liver disorder in pregnancy NOS 36516,A/N amniocentesis wanted 36593,Maternal blood loss minimal 36640,Maternal care for poor fetal growth 36694,Intrauterine hypoxia 36864,Uterine contractions absent 36894,"Fetus small-for-dates (SFD), without mention of malnutrition" 37029,A/N 41 week examination 37038,Girth of pregnant abdomen 37039,Fundal height low for dates 37046,A/N risk NOS 37047,A/N care: H/O infertility 37048,A/N care:10yrs+since last preg 37093,Persistent occipitoposterior or occipitoanterior position 37147,Viability US scan 37163,Post-term pregnancy NOS 37201,Gestational oedema with proteinuria 37220,A/N U/S scan offered 37221,A/N U/S scan normal +? dates 37222,A/N U/S scan not offered 37348,[X]Other specified pregnancy-related conditions 37386,Pregnancy prophylactic therapy 37397,Other abnormal product of conception NOS 37509,Drainage of hydrocephalus of fetus to facilitate delivery 37573,Continuing pregnancy after abortion of sibling fetus 37693,Teenage pregnancy 37701,Observation of pattern of pregnancy 37752,Fetal maturity: dates = size 37831,Intrauterine death NOS 37864,Antepartum haemorrhage NOS 37985,Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother 38022,Date symptom of pregnancy first noted 38165,A/N care: H/O trophoblast.dis. 38312,Nephropathy NOS in pregnancy without hypertension 38346,[V]First normal pregnancy supervision 38358,Downs screen blood test abnormal 38556,Pregnancy dental advice 38608,Suspect fetal anencephaly 38669,Placenta U-S scan 38771,[X]Other venous complications in pregnancy 38782,Placental insufficiency 38823,Umbilical cord complications NOS 38846,Normal fetal heart baseline pattern 38864,Papyraceous fetus 38882,Transient hypertension of pregnancy 39036,Obstetric operations 39117,Eclampsia in pregnancy 39172,A/N blood group screen done 39173,Downs screening blood test NOS 39359,Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy 39470,Failed attempted abortion 39611,Antenatal ultrasound scan at 22-40 weeks 39728,Fetal maturity - A/N 39827,Umbilical cord complications NOS 39845,Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion 40357,Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy 40597,[V]Other specified antenatal screening 40633,Teenage pregnancy 40655,Oblique presentation 40683,Pelvic assessment - childbirth 40686,Severe pre-eclampsia unspecified 40701,Removal of cerclage from cervix of gravid uterus 40730,Severe pre-eclampsia NOS 40776,Number of umbilical veins 40964,Continuing preg after intrauterine death one fetus or more 40978,Surrogate pregnancy 41033,EDC - Estimated date of conception 41118,Failed attempted abortion NOS 41122,Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS 41414,Delivery booking place changed 41421,Maternal care NOS 41504,Other pregnancy vomiting unspecified 41587,Twin pregnancy NOS 41588,Placental abruption - not delivered 41625,Other pregnancy vomiting NOS 41724,Occasional uterine tightenings 41899,Congenital abnormality of uterus affecting obstetric care 41919,U-S scan - fetal presentation 41937,U-S scan - multiple fetus 41954,Irregular uterine contractions 41955,A/N amniocentesis - awaited 41959,Maternal gonorrhoea in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 42015,Other pregnancy complications 42093,U-S scan - fetal maturity 42101,Threatened premature labour NOS 42120,Abnormal haematologic find on antenatal screening of mother 42326,Antenatal syphilis screen NOS 42614,Pregnancy observations 42661,Fetus affected by APH - antepartum haemorrhage 43000,Excessive weight gain in pregnancy 43140,Diet in pregnancy advice 43309,Vascular lesions of cord 43344,[V]Illegitimate pregnancy 43664,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension 43805,Duration of gestation 43893,Idiopathic hydrops fetalis 43957,Gravid uterus problem 44057,[V]Pregnancy with history of hydatidiform mole 44071,Non-immune hydrops fetalis 44256,Unborn child at risk physi/ment abnormal serious handicap 44429,Hydrocephalic disproportion 44444,Due to deliver - EDC 44644,Fetus with central nervous system malformation 44734,Pregnancy prolonged - 42 weeks 44746,Amnioscopy 44770,Continuing pregnancy after abortion of one fetus or more 44828,Fetal distress with antenatal problem 44911,Removal of Shirodkar suture 45032,Misc. antenatal data 45091,Routine antenatal care 45413,Maternal care for reduced fetal heart rate during pregnancy 45439,[X]Maternal care/oth spcf known or suspected fetal problems 45440,Therapeutic fetoscopic operations on fetus 45729,Observation of viability of pregnancy 45912,Other specified other obstetric operation 45963,U-S scan - fetal abnormality 45965,Pregnancy duration 46126,Double test 46270,[V]Unspecified pregnant state 46281,Anhydramnios 46283,Fetus and gravid uterus operations 46298,Breech presentation NOS 46413,Suspect fetal hydrocephaly 46431,Percutaneous sampling of fetal blood 46451,Inlet pelvic contraction 46514,Maternal care for fetal hypoxia 46527,Primigravida 46577,Diabetes: shared care in pregnancy - diabetol and obstet 46822,Old retroplacental clot 46968,Observation of structures of conception 46995,Normal liquor volume 47036,Problem of pelvis for delivery 47080,Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy 47148,Other problems of amniotic cavity and membranes 47149,Fetal heart deceleration 47151,Fetus - unstable lie 47153,Reduced amniotic fluid 47376,Failed medical abortion complic by genital tract/pelvic infn 47415,A/N U/S scan awaited 47489,Undiagnosed pregnancy 47608,Infections of bladder in pregnancy 47625,Estimated date of delivery from last normal period 47741,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension unspecified 47786,Placental infection 47928,Oligohydramnios with antenatal problem 48058,Ante-natal relaxation classes 48281,Non-viable pregnancy 48304,Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS - not delivered 48311,Observation of gestational sac 48330,Maternal obesity syndrome 48463,Fetal blood loss 48534,[V]Pregnancy with history of trophoblastic disease 48576,Other fetal malposition and malpresentation 48784,Fetal maturity: dates not=size 48830,Threatened premature labour - not delivered 48883,Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect 49169,Amnionitis 49193,Care of teeth advice -in preg. 49294,Other fetal and placental problems 49407,Low weight gain in pregnancy 49430,Quickening 49502,Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation 49519,Observation of position of pregnancy 49559,Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 49617,Antenatal care: gravida NOS 49639,Tender scar of gravid uterus 49661,Other specified obstetric operations 49663,Gestational sac present 49805,Shirodkar suture present 49809,Failed attempted abortion 49855,Fetus or neonate affected by twin pregnancy 49856,Foetoscopic examination foetus and sampling of foetal blood 50007,Other umbilical cord complications 50013,Reactive CTG tracing 50058,Pregnancy benefit NOS 50061,Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance 50342,Number of blood vessels in umbilical cord 50383,Alpha-feto protein blood test 50421,Unwanted pregnancy 50440,Biochemical pregnancy 50530,Other specified operations on fetus or gravid uterus 50531,Drainage of amniotic cavity 50622,Vasa praevia 50733,Fetal bradycardia 50903,Failed medical abortion comp by delayed/excessive haem'ge 51065,Delivery booking - stay NOS 51177,Maternal care for fetus 51298,Pregnant - on abdom. palpation 51432,Antenatal amniocentesis NOS 51698,No ante-natal care 51732,Suspect fetal damage from maternal toxoplasmosis 51956,Quadruplet pregnancy with antenatal problem 51969,Number of umbilical arteries 52007,Fetus with drug damage 52011,Diagnostic percutaneous examination of placenta 52035,Number of chorions in membranes 52044,A/N care: poor A/N attender 52048,Accidental pregnancy 52049,A/N U/S scan not wanted 52092,FP24 maternity claim status 52221,Cervical pregnancy 52583,Fatigue during pregnancy 52633,Fetus affected by placental abruption 52685,[V]Pregnancy with history of infertility 52857,O/E - fetal movements NOS 52879,Vascular lesions of cord unspecified 53074,Fetus with chromosomal abnormality NOS 53097,Duration of pregnancy 53160,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension - not delivered 53167,Abnormal GTT during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 53420,Fetal tachycardia 53490,Infections of urethra in pregnancy 53514,Uncertain viability of pregnancy 53661,Unspecified pregnancy vomiting - not delivered 53685,Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy 53687,O/E - fetal movements seen 53849,Other pregnancy complication unspecified 53863,Fetal distress NOS 53921,"Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy, unspecified" 54004,Percutaneous insertion of fetal vesicoamniotic shunt 54082,Herpes gestationis - not delivered 54086,Cardiotochogram observation 54107,Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS unspecified 54288,Query viability of pregnancy 54311,Fetus/neonate affected by complic of placenta/cord/membrane 54576,Mother not delivered 54577,Twin pregnancy unspecified 54595,Gravid uterus normal 54596,False labour at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation 54677,Liver disorder in pregnancy - not delivered 54680,AFP blood test offered 54687,"Maternal care/known or suspected fetal problem,unspecifd" 54690,Maternal care for CNS malformation in fetus 54701,[V]Other specified high-risk pregnancy 54726,Maternal care for chromosomal abnormality in fetus 54734,Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS with a/n problem 54938,Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy unspecified 55071,Fetal heart baseline pattern 55152,Intra-amniotic fetal infection 55304,Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance NOS 55338,Transient hypertension of pregnancy unspecified 55410,Fetus with chromosomal abnormality unspecified 55493,Fetal movements seen 55605,A/N 42 week examination 55607,Fetal heart rate variability 55618,[V]Supervisn/pregnancy wth history insufficnt antenatal care 55624, 55730,[V]Supervision of normal pregnancy 55761,Fetus or neonate affected by premature placental separation 55793,Outlet pelvic contraction 55889,Maternal rubella during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 55986,Eclampsia unspecified 56246,Other complications of obstetric procedures NOS 56252,[V]Other normal pregnancy supervision 56451,Unspecified pregnancy vomiting NOS 56666,Fetus with radiation damage 56744,Fetal malnutrition 56834,Polyhydramnios and hydramnios 56953,Pendulous pregnant abdomen 57059,Orthopaedic disorder in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 57120,Ante-natal care: not attended 57194,Maternal blood loss heavy 57220,Other specified obstetric operations 57233,Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia unspecified 57249,"Antepartum haemorrhage NOS, unspecified" 57777,Couvelaire uterus 57828,Percutaneous blood transfusion of fetus 57852,Threatened abortion - not delivered 58090,Uterine membrane observations 58142,Glycosuria during pregnancy unspecified 58176,Full stay delivery booking 58209, 58210, 58246, 58291, 58369, 58626,Observation of sensation of gravid uterus 59124,Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia NOS 59139,Gravid fallopian tube rupture 59168,Placental transfusion syndromes 59195,Fundus firm 59236,Fetus with damage NOS 59296,Threatened premature labour unspecified 59313,Contin pregnancy after intrauterine death of sibling fetus 59452,Intrauterine death unspecified 59507,CTG reactivity 59572,"Failed medical abortion, complicated by embolism" 59580,Fetus & gravid uterus ops 59588,Genital varices in pregnancy 59634,Vaginal varices in pregnancy 59650,Transversely enlarged pregnant abdomen 59789,Early or threatened labour NOS 59954,Disproportion NOS 60017,Observation of gravid uterus 60330,Complications specific to multiple gestation 60345,Alopecia of pregnancy 60398,Placental abruption NOS 60434,Gestational sac absent 60604,Fresh retroplacental clot 60741,Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine fibroid 60744,Antepartum haemorrhage with fibroid 60774,Fetal heart acceleration 60792,Uterine activity 60841,Fetus affected by hydramnios 61063,Fetus with damage NOS 61123,Date false contractions first detected 61162,Fetus with central nervous system malformation + a/n problem 61203,Antenatal deep vein thrombosis NOS 61284,Twin pregnancy with antenatal problem 61301,Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy unspecified 61408,Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv 61434,Operations on gravid uterus 61452,Fetus and gravid uterus operations NOS 61533,Polyhydramnios with antenatal problem 61540,Delivery place planned 61563,Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy - not delivered 61576,Triplet pregnancy unspecified 61640,Fetus with hereditary disease unspecified 61652,Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality 61835,Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy NOS 61935,Congenital heart disease in pregnancy 62012,Other obstetric operations NOS 62147,A/N amnio. for ? chrom.abnorm. 62171,Normal position of gravid uterus 62245,Intact membranes 62302,Mild uterine contractions 62316,Maternal care for other known or suspected fetal problems 62358,Liver disorder in pregnancy unspecified 62734,Other antepartum haemorrhage unspecified 62819,Diagnostic percutaneous examination of fetus NOS 62880,Placenta praevia without haemorrhage - not delivered 62924,Gravid uterus present 62932,Observation of height of gravid uterus 63002,Maternal hypotension syndrome NOS 63196,Multigravida 63290,Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition 63344,Estimated date of conception 63448,Antenatal class 63526,Quantity of liquor 63648,Fetus/neonate affected by antepartum haemorrhage unspecified 63656,Antepartum haemorrhage with hypofibrinogenaemia 63751,Glycosuria during pregnancy - not delivered 63865,Fetoscopy NEC 63905,"[X]Maternal care/known or suspected fetal problem,unspecifd" 64099,Fatigue during pregnancy unspecified 64141,A/N syphilis screen-blood sent 64247,Observation of shape of pregnant abdomen 64292,Other pregnancy complication - not delivered 64298,Other threatened labour - not delivered 64335,Fetal distress unspecified 64366,Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy 64500,Pregnancy and drug dependence 64537,A/N U/S scan for slow growth 64626,Stale retroplacental clot 64692,Other threatened labour NOS 64728,Polyhydramnios NOS 64752,Placenta praevia with haemorrhage - not delivered 64832,Downs screening - blood sent 64959,Fetoscopic examination of fetus and sampling of fetal blood 64976,First stage of labour not established 65243,Other threatened labour unspecified 65256,Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy 65314,Flat sacral curve 65397,Placental abruption unspecified 65450,A/N amniocentesis - offered 65491,Other operations on amniotic cavity 65555,Late vomiting of pregnancy 65565,Ante-natal care: not offered 65725,Antenatal deep vein thrombosis unspecified 65759,Other uterine/pelvic floor abnormal - baby not yet delivered 65834,[V]Pregnancy with history of abortion 65864,Triple test offered 66019,Suspect fetal damage from maternal alcohol 66307,Breech presentation unspecified 66335,Fetal-maternal haemorrhage 66428,Fetus affected by cord problems 66471,Other obstetric operation NOS 66496,Breech presentation with antenatal problem 66594,Heart disease during pregnancy 66608,"Tumour of uterine body complicating a/n care, baby not deliv" 66649,"Venous complication of pregnancy, unspecified" 66814,Number of vessels entering umbilical cord 67098,Drug dependence during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 67164,Medical condition NOS in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 67287,Eclampsia NOS 67388,Unsatisfactory CTG tracing 67438,"Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified" 67447,Severe pre-eclampsia - not delivered 67698,Post-term pregnancy unspecified 67706,Ante-natal care: not wanted 67721,Disproportion NOS 67728,Post-term pregnancy - not delivered 67863,Observation of quantity of pregnancy 67883,Maternal care for poor fetal growth 67893,Malnutrition in pregnancy 67894,Uterine contractions ceased 67922,AFP blood test not wanted 67923,AFP blood test wanted 67924,AFP - blood sent 67925,AFP blood test NOS 67975,Genitourinary tract infections in pregnancy 68016,Fetus with suspected rubella damage via mother 68029,Placenta praevia with haemorrhage NOS 68089,A/N Rh antibody screen NOS 68605,Transverse lie unspecified 68687,Suspected macroscopic fetus 68694,Observation of measures of pregnancy 68858,U-S scan -placental localisatn 69002,Other antepartum haemorrhage - not delivered 69011,Late pregnancy vomiting unspecified 69015,Suspect cystic fibrosis fetus 69072,Other blood-group isoimmunisation with antenatal problem 69137,Observation of size of gravid uterus 69149,Amount of liquor 69220,Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus unspecified 69254,Intrauterine death with antenatal problem 69257,"Fetus with other damage NEC, unspecified" 69327,Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy NOS 69344,Antepartum haemorrhage NOS - not deliv 69533,Fetus with damage due to intra-uterine contraceptive device 69599,Other multiple pregnancy 69686,Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy 69722,[V]Unspecified high-risk pregnancy 69743,Cephalic version NOS 69788,Fetal-maternal haemorrhage with antenatal problem 69815,Rh screen - 1st preg. sample 70046,Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screen of mother 70096,Transverse lie with antenatal problem 70132,Other antepartum haemorrhage NOS 70165,Fetus affected by maternal death 70186,A/N blood group screen NOS 70289,A/N amnio. for ? neural tube 70393,Diagnostic percutaneous examination of fetus 70523,Observation of quantity of liquor 70557,Placenta praevia without haemorrhage unspecified 70616,A/N sickle cell screen done 70737,"Fetus with damage NOS, unspecified" 70739,Fetus with other damage NEC NOS 70808,Vascular lesions of cord NOS 70840,"Bicornuate uterus complicating a/n care, baby not delivered" 70845,Sinusoidal pattern of fetal heart 70912,Placenta praevia without haemorrhage NOS 70924,Other umbilical cord complications NOS 70926,Cervical incompetence NOS 70993,Glycosuria during pregnancy NOS 71091,Triple test wanted 71155,Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma 71279,Fetus with central nervous system malformation unspecified 71495,Fetus with central nervous system malformation NOS 71552,Large fetus causing disproportion 71637,Fetus affected by malpresentation 71730,Transient hypertension of pregnancy - not delivered 71741,Percutaneous sampling of foetal blood 71797,Vulval abn complicating a/n care - baby not yet delivered 71912,A/N Rh screen not offered 72014,Quadruplet pregnancy NOS 72019,Late pregnancy vomiting - not delivered 72063,Outlet pelvic contraction NOS 72118,Fetus with damage due to intra-uterine contraceptive device 72159,U-S scan - fetal cephalometry 72258,Transverse lie NOS 72502,Double test offered 72729,Fetus with viral damage via mother 72732,Amniotic cavity infection 72772,Amniotic cavity and membrane problems NOS 72883,[X]Other vomiting complicating pregnancy 72906,Velamentous insertion of cord 73032,No ante-natal care NOS 73091,Maternity grant advice 73099,Polyp of cervix complicating a/n care- baby not delivered 73111,Polyhydramnios unspecified 73120,Vaginal abnormality complicating a/n care-baby not delivered 73145,Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS 73317,Fetus with hereditary disease 73323,Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease 73324,Maternity milk/vits advice 73403,Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance unsp 73407,Rhesus isoimmunisation with antenatal problem 73415,Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus NOS 73550,Generally contracted pelvis NOS 73559,Unspecified pregnancy vomiting unspecified 73646,Polyhydramnios NOS 73727,Fatigue during pregnancy NOS 73753,Other problems of amniotic cavity and membranes 73914,Thrombophlebitis of legs in pregnancy 73917,Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy - not delivered 74501, 74521, 74724, 74770, 74785, 74825, 74888,[X]Other disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes 75046, 75417, 75861, 76026, 76057, 76138, 76156, 76157, 76408, 76414, 76715, 76978, 77035, 77060, 77130, 77427, 77475, 77538, 77572, 77819, 77820, 78064, 78152, 78252, 78748, 78800, 79005, 79123, 79215, 79246, 79302, 79346, 79390, 79502, 79565, 80087, 80343, 80354, 80912, 80929, 81323, 81331, 81372, 81394, 81569, 81787, 81874, 82253, 82459, 82484, 82495, 82548, 82677, 82725, 82777, 82870, 83020, 83095, 83121, 83133, 83608, 83633, 83685, 83731, 83752, 83754, 83821, 83832, 84086, 84346, 84452, 84471, 84534, 84556, 84614, 84648, 84687, 84731, 84735, 84788, 84789, 85043, 85182,Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect unspecified 85304, 85344, 85444, 85446, 85619, 85687, 85878, 85911, 86021,Other obstetric operations 86090, 86170, 86284, 86288, 86303, 86455, 86470, 86611, 86760,Other operation on amniotic cavity NOS 87224,Other disproportion 87444, 87483, 87666, 87762, 87781, 88122, 88667, 88730, 88804, 89025,Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion with a/n prob 89151,Other complications of obstetric procedures 89507, 89532, 89556,Triple test not wanted 89609, 89896, 89904, 89958, 90017, 90172, 90175, 90185,Excessive amniotic fluid 90221, 90247, 90334, 90394, 90588, 90681, 91269, 91434,Suspect mongol fetus 91698, 91710, 91888,Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered 91933,"Fetal blood loss, unspecified" 91986, 92056, 92158, 92458, 92565, 92576, 92579,Uraemia in pregnancy without hypertension 92616, 92662, 92697, 92705, 93055,Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia + pre-existing hypertension NOS 93136,Tumour of uterine body affecting obstetric care 93138,"Umbilical cord complications NOS, unspecified" 93303,[V]Supervision of other normal pregnancy 93473,Other specified operation on gravid uterus 93745, - length of stay 93917,Technically poor CTG 93958,Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance - not del 94228,[X]Other specified abnormal products of conception 94473,Triplet pregnancy NOS 94804,Preg. prescription exempt adv. 95638,Fetus small-for-dates (SFD) with signs of malnutrition 95649,Fetal acidosis 95754,Intra-amniotic fetal infection NOS 96222,"Maternal care for fetal abnormality and damage, unspecified" 96414,Hydrocephalic disproportion NOS 96415,Placenta praevia with haemorrhage unspecified 96416,Amniotic cavity infection NOS 96420,"Cephalic version NOS, unspecified" 96669,Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS 96678,Umbilical cord complications NOS with antenatal problem 96711,Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection 96743,Other pre-exist hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv 96757,Vulval varices in pregnancy 97060,Membranitis 97186,Therapeutic percutaneous operation on fetus NOS 97349,Renal hypertension in preg/childbirth/puerp - not delivered 97565,[X]Other placental disorders 97723,Oligohydramnios unspecified 97885,Fetoscopic examination of fetus and biopsy of fetus 97916,Fetal alcohol syndrome 97973,Maternal tobacco abuse 98133,Risk life pregnant woman greater than if pregnancy terminatd 98425,Cervical incompetence unspecified 98499,"Maternal care for suspect fetal abnormal and damage, unspec" 98957,"Cong abnorm uterus complicating a/n care, baby not delivered" 98964,Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma 99004,[X]Complications of intrauterine procedures NEC 99006,Fetus or neonate affected by abdominal ectopic pregnancy 99136,Fetus/neonate affected by placental damage-amniocentesis 99237,Perineal varices in pregnancy 99247,Other pregnancy vomiting - not delivered 99286,Other amniotic/membrane problem with antenatal problem 99582,Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality unspecified 99608,Other operation to facilitate delivery NOS 99939,Other umbilical cord complications with antenatal problem 99980,Fatigue during pregnancy - not delivered 100074,Diagnostic endoscopic examination of fetus using fetoscope 100241,Fetus with other damage NEC 100297,Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS 100301,High head at term NOS 100502,Antenatal deep vein thrombosis with antenatal complication 100578,Fetus with drug damage with antenatal problem 100664,Amniotic cavity infection unspecified 100666,Fetus with hereditary disease NOS 100881,Maternal hypotension syndrome unspecified 100892,[X]Other+unspcf genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy 101354,Cystocele complicating antenatal care - baby not delivered 101518,Late pregnancy vomiting NOS 101559,Hydrocephalic disproportion unspecified 101599,Maternal care for damage to fetus from maternal rubella 101893,Maternal care for suspected chromosomal abnormality in fetus 101938,Maternal distress with antenatal problem 101984,Therapeutic percutaneous operations on fetus 102019,Fetal haemorrhage into mother's circulation 102056,Other feto-placental problems NOS 102073,Fetal blood loss NOS 102090,Failed attempted abortion with no mention of complication 102099,A/N sickle cell screen NOS 102246,Small-for-dates with antenatal problem 102300,[X]Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother 102535,Therapeutic foetoscopic operations on fetus 102737,Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect 102894,Fetal-maternal haemorrhage NOS 103090,[X]Other multiple gestation 103104,Other maternal viral pregnancy-baby not yet delivered 103810,Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma NOS 104178,[X]Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother 104211,Lss 24 wk inv risk inj phys/men hlth ext child preg wom fmly