Codebook for: Effectiveness of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in children under 10 years of age in Senegal: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial


Variable name Description Measurement
y year Integer
agegp Age group 1=<5yrs
mal1 Number of confirmed rdt positive Integer
mal2 Number of confirmed rdt positive plus those not tested who had diagnosis of clinical malaria Integer
mal3 Number of confirmed rdt positive plus those not tested who had diagnosis of clinical malaria or were treated for malaria Integer
zone Zone number zone is a number 1 to 6, defines a group of health posts as described in the paper 1-6
hpid_z Health post ID Integer
psp indicator variable for SMC in <10yrs 1 = age<10 and SMC implemented
0= otherwise
psp_ind5 As psp_ind but only for year when smc was limited to under 5's 1 = SMC implemented =0 and age not eligible for SMC
0 = otherwise
psp_ind indicator variable for indirect effect of SMC 1 = SMC implemented =0 and age not eligible for SMC
0 = otherwise
pop Population size Integer
psp1 smc indicator for children 3-59 months of age 1 = if SMC
0 = if no SMC
psp2 smc indicator for children 5-9yrs of age 1 = if SMC
0 = if no SMC


Variable name Description Measurement type
ptime person time in days Decimal
nf no of deaths integer
hpid Health Facility ID Integer
zone zone (see paper) Integer
agp age group 0-3 months,
3-59 months,
smc1 indicator variable for smc 1 = children 3-59mnths
0 = otherwise
smc2 indicator variable for smc 1 = children 5-9yrs
0 = Otherwise
smc indicator variable for receipt of smc 1 = if eligible for SMC based on age group, and calendar time is period within 1 month following an SMC campaign
0 = otherwise
seas transmission period 1 =SMC intervention period
0 = other times of year
y year Integer
py1000 thousands of person years Decimal