Search strategies for: Evidence for the use of administrative controls to reduce the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare settings: a systematic review Final report, November 2018. 1. Literature search methodology The literature search strategies were developed by a medical librarian with expertise in systematic review searching, with input from ASK, DAJM and KLF. The literature search was constructed using concepts for the condition (tuberculosis) and the interventions (respiratory isolation, triage, bacteriologic susceptibility tests). A search in OvidSP Medline was constructed and agreed by the team. This was checked for errors by a librarian unconnected to the project before being used as the template for all other searches. Search terms and syntax were updated as required by each new database. The following databases were searched on 9 and 10 November 2017. OvidSP Medline, 1946-present; OvidSP Embase, 1947 to 2017 November 08; Global Health, 1910 to 2017 Week 43; OvidSP Life Sciences Conference Abstracts, 2010 - 2017 Week 43; Ebsco CINAHL Plus, full database; Africa-Wide Information, full database; Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1970-present, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) --1970-present, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) --1975-present, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) --1990-present, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) --1990-present, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) --2015-present, Data last updated: 2017-11-09); Web of Science Korean Journals Database, 1980-present, data last updated 2017-11-02; Russian Science Citation Index, 2005-present. Data last updated 2017/11/09; SciELO Citation Index, 2005-present. Data last updated 2017/11/09; Wiley Cochrane Library, CDSR 2017 issue 11; Elsevier Scopus, full database; Bireme Virtual Health Library LILACS, full database. Where possible, animal studies were removed, and results were limited to the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, Chinese. No date limits were added. 2. Search strategies OvidSP Medline In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily and Ovid MEDLINE Searched on 09 November 2017 from 1946 to present. Notes: Thesaurus terms were not used for administrative infection control as the infection control terms were too broad to be useful. However, as MeSH terms were available for patient-HCW transmission and HCW-patient transmission, these were included. Thesaurus terms were not used for bacteriologic susceptibility tests. Searches were tested using the following MeSH terms: nucleic acid amplification techniques/ or exp polymerase chain reaction/ or exp Microbial Sensitivity Tests/. These terms found approximately 9500 extra papers than using the specific textwords alone. The first 100 of the papers found by MeSH and not textword were scanned and none were found to be relevant to the search. Therefore, it was decided that the MeSH terms would not be included in the search. 1 exp tuberculosis/ (190472) 2 Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ (47415) 3 tuberculosis.ti,ab. (175934) 4 tuberculin.ti,ab. (14230) 5 tb.ti,ab. (42964) 6 or/1-5 [TUBERCULOSIS] (260895) 7 administrat* control.ti,ab. (340) 8 (administrat* adj3 (transmis* control or infect* control)).ti,ab. (76) 9 or/7-8 [ADMINISTRATIVE INFECTION CONTROL] (415) 10 bacteri* suscept*.ti,ab. (711) 11 suscept* test*.ti,ab. (17103) 12 sensitiv* test*.ti,ab. (9397) 13 ADST.ti,ab. (12) 14 molecul* screen*.ti,ab. (1999) 15 GeneXpert.ti,ab. (361) 16 xpert.ti,ab. (1183) 17 line probe assay.ti,ab. (639) 18 molecular assay.ti,ab. (794) 19 nucleic acid amplification test*.ti,ab. (1384) 20 (NAAT or NAATs).ti,ab. (560) 21 MTBDRplus.ti,ab. (235) 22 rifampicin resistan*.ti,ab. (1500) 23 isoniazid resistan*.ti,ab. (1206) 24 or/10-23 (34827) 25 infect*.ti,ab. (1581910) 26 transmis*.ti,ab. (332969) 27 transmit*.ti,ab. (150336) 28 expos*.ti,ab. (1068733) 29 (acquisition* or acquire*).ti,ab. (398672) 30 risk*.ti,ab. (1907226) 31 or/25-30 (4635345) 32 24 and 31 [BACTERIOLOGIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTS] (15149) 33 Triage/ (10365) 34 triage.ti,ab. (14129) 35 ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) adj2 (severity or priority or prioriti#e)).ti,ab. (7071) 36 assign priority.ti,ab. (39) 37 (systematic adj2 admission).ti,ab. (45) 38 (patient adj3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort)).ti,ab. (24375) 39 or/33-38 [TRIAGE] (49891) 40 Patient Isolation/ (3722) 41 respirat* isolat*.ti,ab. (421) 42 ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) adj2 isolat*).ti,ab. (27426) 43 air* infect* isolat*.ti,ab. (44) 44 AII.ti,ab. (4767) 45 air* isolat*.ti,ab. (120) 46 negative-pressure isolat*.ti,ab. (60) 47 negative-pressure room*.ti,ab. (52) 48 spatial separat*.ti,ab. (1666) 49 distancing.ti,ab. (1164) 50 or/40-49 [RESPIRATORY ISOLATION] (38825) 51 9 or 32 or 39 or 50 [ALL INTERVENTIONS] (103450) 52 6 and 51 (3831) 53 infectious disease transmission, patient-to-professional/ (3859) 54 infectious disease transmission, professional-to-patient/ (1714) 55 or/53-54 [DISEASE TRANSMISSION BETWEEN HCW AND PATIENT] (5241) 56 6 and 55 (538) 57 52 or 56 (4309) 58 Humans/ (18048610) 59 Animals/ (6595703) 60 58 and 59 (1889094) 61 59 not 60 [ANIMAL STUDIES ONLY] (4706609) 62 57 not 61 (4235) 63 (chinese or english or french or japanese or portuguese or russian or spanish).lg. (26945800) 64 62 and 63 (3967) 65 remove duplicates from 64 (3721) OvidSP Embase Classic+Embase Date: 1947 to 2017 November 08, search run on 09 November 2017. Notes: Triage mapped to 'emergency medical service/' which was too broad, so this Emtree term was omitted. No suitable Emtree term for bacteriologic susceptibility tests was found, so this was omitted. Patient-HCW/HCW-patient transmission mapped to the more general Emtree term, disease transmission/ so that part of the search was omitted. 1 exp tuberculosis/ (242013) 2 tuberculosis control/ (6236) 3 exp Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex/ (77471) 4 tuberculosis.ti,ab. (205915) 5 tuberculin.ti,ab. (22651) 6 tb.ti,ab. (78844) 7 or/1-6 [TUBERCULOSIS] (334270) 8 administrat* control.ti,ab. (432) 9 (administrat* adj3 (transmis* control or infect* control)).ti,ab. (85) 10 or/8-9 [ADMINISTRATIVE INFECTION CONTROL] (516) 11 bacteri* suscept*.ti,ab. (900) 12 suscept* test*.ti,ab. (22085) 13 sensitiv* test*.ti,ab. (13606) 14 ADST.ti,ab. (14) 15 molecul* screen*.ti,ab. (2690) 16 GeneXpert.ti,ab. (735) 17 xpert.ti,ab. (1722) 18 line probe assay.ti,ab. (823) 19 molecular assay.ti,ab. (1160) 20 nucleic acid amplification test*.ti,ab. (1984) 21 (NAAT or NAATs).ti,ab. (1052) 22 MTBDRplus.ti,ab. (293) 23 rifampicin resistan*.ti,ab. (1753) 24 isoniazid resistan*.ti,ab. (1669) 25 or/11-24 (47204) 26 infect*.ti,ab. (2006586) 27 transmis*.ti,ab. (366936) 28 transmit*.ti,ab. (173809) 29 expos*.ti,ab. (1323208) 30 (acquisition* or acquire*).ti,ab. (508187) 31 risk*.ti,ab. (2584229) 32 or/26-31 (5929411) 33 25 and 32 [BACTERIOLOGIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTS] (21970) 34 triage.ti,ab. (20509) 35 ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) adj2 (severity or priority or prioriti#e)).ti,ab. (10566) 36 assign priority.ti,ab. (47) 37 (systematic adj2 admission).ti,ab. (59) 38 (patient adj3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort)).ti,ab. (37359) 39 or/34-38 [TRIAGE] (68173) 40 Patient Isolation/ (285) 41 respirat* isolat*.ti,ab. (562) 42 ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) adj2 isolat*).ti,ab. (36954) 43 air* infect* isolat*.ti,ab. (52) 44 AII.ti,ab. (5508) 45 air* isolat*.ti,ab. (173) 46 negative-pressure isolat*.ti,ab. (78) 47 negative-pressure room*.ti,ab. (84) 48 spatial separat*.ti,ab. (1473) 49 distancing.ti,ab. (1336) 50 or/40-49 [RESPIRATORY ISOLATION] (46258) 51 10 or 33 or 39 or 50 [ALL INTERVENTIONS] (135730) 52 7 and 51 (5142) 53 Humans/ (13449192) 54 Animals/ (1669963) 55 53 and 54 (356711) 56 54 not 55 [ANIMAL STUDIES ONLY] (1313252) 57 52 not 56 (5119) 58 (chinese or english or french or japanese or portuguese or russian or spanish).lg. (31121747) 59 57 and 58 (4849) 60 remove duplicates from 59 (4575) OvidSP Global Health Date: 1910 to 2017 Week 43, search run on 9 November 2017. Notes: No relevant CABI Codes for interventions or for HCW-patient/patient-HCW transmission were found, so these were omitted. 1 exp mycobacterium tuberculosis/ (72889) 2 tuberculosis.ti,ab. (71219) 3 tuberculin.ti,ab. (10020) 4 tb.ti,ab. (21116) 5 or/1-4 [TUBERCULOSIS] (81961) 6 administrat* control.ti,ab. (119) 7 (administrat* adj3 (transmis* control or infect* control)).ti,ab. (36) 8 or/6-7 [ADMINISTRATIVE INFECTION CONTROL] (155) 9 bacteri* suscept*.ti,ab. (292) 10 suscept* test*.ti,ab. (12934) 11 sensitiv* test*.ti,ab. (4739) 12 ADST.ti,ab. (2) 13 molecul* screen*.ti,ab. (314) 14 GeneXpert.ti,ab. (205) 15 xpert.ti,ab. (651) 16 line probe assay.ti,ab. (433) 17 molecular assay.ti,ab. (340) 18 nucleic acid amplification test*.ti,ab. (971) 19 (NAAT or NAATs).ti,ab. (380) 20 MTBDRplus.ti,ab. (162) 21 rifampicin resistan*.ti,ab. (812) 22 isoniazid resistan*.ti,ab. (1067) 23 or/9-22 (21557) 24 infect*.ti,ab. (743534) 25 transmis*.ti,ab. (115181) 26 transmit*.ti,ab. (52509) 27 expos*.ti,ab. (230459) 28 (acquisition* or acquire*).ti,ab. (72213) 29 risk*.ti,ab. (448474) 30 or/24-29 (1279979) 31 23 and 30 [BACTERIOLOGIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTS] (11287) 32 triage.ti,ab. (1623) 33 ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) adj2 (severity or priority or prioriti#e)).ti,ab. (877) 34 assign priority.ti,ab. (5) 35 (systematic adj2 admission).ti,ab. (8) 36 (patient adj3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort)).ti,ab. (1370) 37 or/32-36 [TRIAGE] (3861) 38 respirat* isolat*.ti,ab. (190) 39 ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) adj2 isolat*).ti,ab. (9955) 40 air* infect* isolat*.ti,ab. (29) 41 AII.ti,ab. (343) 42 air* isolat*.ti,ab. (45) 43 negative-pressure isolat*.ti,ab. (33) 44 negative-pressure room*.ti,ab. (19) 45 spatial separat*.ti,ab. (43) 46 distancing.ti,ab. (211) 47 or/38-46 [RESPIRATORY ISOLATION] (10797) 48 8 or 31 or 37 or 47 [ALL INTERVENTIONS] (25499) 49 5 and 48 (2537) 50 Humans/ (2011716) 51 Animals/ (2813644) 52 50 and 51 (2011711) 53 51 not 52 [ANIMAL STUDIES ONLY] (801933) 54 49 not 53 (2490) 55 (chinese or english or french or japanese or portuguese or russian or spanish).lg. (2980505) 56 54 and 55 (2075) 57 remove duplicates from 56 (2073) OvidSP Northern Light Life Sciences Conference Abstracts Date: 2010 - 2017 Week 43, search run on 10 November 2017 Notes: Limited subject headings available. Suitable terms were used where relevant. No limits available to exclude animal studies or to limit by language. 1 exp tuberculosis/ (20680) 2 tuberculosis.ti,ab. (14298) 3 tuberculin.ti,ab. (548) 4 tb.ti,ab. (12997) 5 or/1-4 [TUBERCULOSIS] (25121) 6 administrat* control.ti,ab. (12) 7 (administrat* adj3 (transmis* control or infect* control)).ti,ab. (9) 8 or/6-7 [ADMINISTRATIVE INFECTION CONTROL] (21) 9 bacteri* suscept*.ti,ab. (48) 10 suscept* test*.ti,ab. (1568) 11 sensitiv* test*.ti,ab. (719) 12 ADST.ti,ab. (1) 13 molecul* screen*.ti,ab. (458) 14 GeneXpert.ti,ab. (341) 15 xpert.ti,ab. (680) 16 line probe assay.ti,ab. (72) 17 molecular assay.ti,ab. (230) 18 nucleic acid amplification test*.ti,ab. (172) 19 (NAAT or NAATs).ti,ab. (184) 20 MTBDRplus.ti,ab. (74) 21 rifampicin resistan*.ti,ab. (176) 22 isoniazid resistan*.ti,ab. (99) 23 or/9-22 (4426) 24 infect*.ti,ab. (144805) 25 transmis*.ti,ab. (31936) 26 transmit*.ti,ab. (11518) 27 expos*.ti,ab. (114555) 28 (acquisition* or acquire*).ti,ab. (49857) 29 risk*.ti,ab. (302179) 30 or/24-29 (568039) 31 23 and 30 [BACTERIOLOGIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTS] (1512) 32 triage.ti,ab. (2355) 33 ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) adj2 (severity or priority or prioriti#e)).ti,ab. (787) 34 assign priority.ti,ab. (4) 35 (systematic adj2 admission).ti,ab. (4) 36 (patient adj3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort)).ti,ab. (2775) 37 or/32-36 [TRIAGE] (5897) 38 Patient Isolation/ (72) 39 respirat* isolat*.ti,ab. (86) 40 ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) adj2 isolat*).ti,ab. (2402) 41 air* infect* isolat*.ti,ab. (4) 42 AII.ti,ab. (322) 43 air* isolat*.ti,ab. (25) 44 negative-pressure isolat*.ti,ab. (5) 45 negative-pressure room*.ti,ab. (10) 46 spatial separat*.ti,ab. (135) 47 distancing.ti,ab. (87) 48 or/38-47 [RESPIRATORY ISOLATION] (3091) 49 8 or 31 or 37 or 48 [ALL INTERVENTIONS] (10441) 50 5 and 49 (478) EBSCO CINAHL Plus Date: full database searched, search run on 10 November 2017. S1 (MH "Tuberculosis+") [17,319] S2 (MH "Mycobacterium Tuberculosis") [2,778] S3 (TI tuberculosis) OR (AB tuberculosis) [15,194] S4 (TI tuberculin) OR (AB tuberculin) [1,075] S5 (TI tb) OR (AB tb) [6,647] S6 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 [22,403] S7 (TI "administrat* control") OR (AB "administrat* control") [46] S8 (TI administrat* N3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control")) OR (AB administrat* N3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control")) [43] S9 S7 OR S8 [89] S10 (MH "Microbial Culture and Sensitivity Tests") [12,596] S11 (TI "bacteri* suscept*") OR (AB "bacteri* suscept*") [52] S12 (TI "suscept* test*") OR (AB "suscept* test*") [1,329] S13 (TI "sensitiv* test*") OR (AB "sensitiv* test*") [700] S14 (TI ADST) OR (AB ADST) [1] S15 (TI "molecul* screen*") OR (AB "molecul* screen*") [147] S16 (TI GeneXpert) OR (AB GeneXpert) [65] S17 (TI xpert) OR (AB xpert) [214] S18 (TI "line probe assay") OR (AB "line probe assay") [34] S19 (TI "molecular assay") OR (AB "molecular assay") [76] S20 (TI "nucleic acid amplification test*") OR (AB "nucleic acid amplification test*") [344] S21 (TI (NAAT or NAATs)) OR (AB (NAAT or NAATs)) [123] S22 (TI MTBDRplus) OR (AB MTBDRplus) [24] S23 (TI "rifampicin resistan*") OR (AB "rifampicin resistan*") [102] S24 (TI "isoniazid resistan*") OR (AB "isoniazid resistan*") [89] S25 S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 [14,873] S26 (TI infect*) OR (AB infect*) [176,964] S27 (TI transmis*) OR (AB transmis*) [25,975] S28 (TI transmit*) OR (AB transmit*) [16,026] S29 (TI expos*) OR (AB expos*) [105,532] S30 (TI acquisition*) OR (AB acquisition*) [17,265] S31 (TI acquire*) OR (AB acquire*) [35,499] S32 (TI risk*) OR (AB risk*) [467,791] S33 S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 [715,434] S34 S25 AND S33 [7,039] S35 (MH "Triage") [7,333] S36 (TI triage) OR (AB triage) [6,848] S37 (TI (transfer OR distribution OR referral OR referred OR assessment OR assess) N2 (severity OR priority OR prioriti?e)) OR (AB (transfer OR distribution OR referral OR referred OR assessment OR assess) N2 (severity OR priority OR prioriti?e)) [2,468] S38 (TI "assign priority") OR (AB "assign priority") [10] S39 (TI (systematic N2 admission)) OR (AB (systematic N2 admission)) [25] S40 (TI patient N3 (evaluat* OR sorting OR sort)) OR (AB patient N3 (evaluat* OR sorting OR sort)) [34,407] S41 S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 [46,994] S42 (MH "Patient Isolation+") [2,176] S43 (TI "respirat* isolat*") OR (AB "respirat* isolat*") [84] S44 (TI (patient* OR inpatient* OR in-patient* OR outpatient* OR out-patient*) N2 isolat*) OR (AB (patient* OR inpatient* OR in-patient* OR outpatient* OR out-patient*) N2 isolat*) [5,665] S45 (TI "air* infect* isolat*") OR (AB "air* infect* isolat*") [25] S46 (TI AII) OR (AB AII) [103] S47 (TI "air* isolat*") OR (AB "air* isolat*") [16] S48 (TI "negative-pressure isolat*") OR (AB "negative-pressure isolat*") [26] S49 (TI "negative-pressure room*" OR (AB "negative-pressure room*") [28] S50 (TI "spatial separat*") OR (AB "spatial separat*") [56] S51 (TI distancing) OR (AB distancing) [507] S52 S42 OR S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 OR S48 OR S49 OR S50 OR S51 [8,241] S53 S9 OR S34 OR S41 OR S52 [61,414] S54 S6 AND S53 [1,032] S55 (MH "Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional") [712] S56 (MH "Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient") [506] S57 S55 OR S56 [1,165] S58 S6 AND S57 [99] S59 S54 OR S58 [1,116] S60 (MH "Human") [1,564,476] S61 (MH "Animals") [74,428] S62 S60 AND S61 [6,409] S63 S61 NOT S62 [68,01 S64 S59 NOT S63 [1,106 S65 S64 Limiters - Language: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish [1,093] EBSCO Africa-Wide Information Date: full database searched, search run on 10 November 2017 S1 (TI tuberculosis) OR (AB tuberculosis) [180,315] S2 (TI tuberculin) OR (AB tuberculin) [7,497] S3 (TI tb) OR (AB tb) [28,885] S4 S1 OR S2 OR S3 [184,212] S5 (TI "administrat* control") OR (AB "administrat* control") [88] S6 (TI administrat* N3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control")) OR (AB administrat* N3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control")) [20] S7 S5 OR S6 [106] S8 (TI "bacteri* suscept*") OR (AB "bacteri* suscept*") [51] S9 (TI "suscept* test*") OR (AB "suscept* test*") [3,473] S10 (TI "sensitiv* test*") OR (AB "sensitiv* test*") [1,155] S11 (TI ADST) OR (AB ADST) [0] S12 (TI "molecul* screen*") OR (AB "molecul* screen*") [135] S13 (TI GeneXpert) OR (AB GeneXpert) [154] S14 (TI xpert) OR (AB xpert) [561] S15 (TI "line probe assay") OR (AB "line probe assay") [200] S16 (TI "molecular assay") OR (AB "molecular assay") [119] S17 (TI "nucleic acid amplification test*") OR (AB "nucleic acid amplification test*") [280] S18 (TI (NAAT or NAATs)) OR (AB (NAAT or NAATs)) [87] S19 (TI MTBDRplus) OR (AB MTBDRplus) [167] S20 (TI "rifampicin resistan*") OR (AB "rifampicin resistan*") [595] S21 (TI "isoniazid resistan*") OR (AB "isoniazid resistan*") [977] S22 S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 [6,926] S23 (TI infect*) OR (AB infect*) [212,203] S24 (TI transmis*) OR (AB transmis*) [50,725] S25 (TI transmit*) OR (AB transmit*) [21,227] S26 (TI expos*) OR (AB expos*) [65,258] S27 (TI acquisition*) OR (AB acquisition*) [12,701] S28 (TI acquire*) OR (AB acquire*) [23,375] S29 (TI risk*) OR (AB risk*) [131,463] S30 S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 [399,005] S31 S22 AND S30 [2,975] S32 (TI triage) OR (AB triage) [779] S33 (TI (transfer OR distribution OR referral OR referred OR assessment OR assess) N2 (severity OR priority OR prioriti?e)) OR (AB (transfer OR distribution OR referral OR referred OR assessment OR assess) N2 (severity OR priority OR prioriti?e)) [607] S34 (TI "assign priority") OR (AB "assign priority") [4] S35 (TI (systematic N2 admission)) OR (AB (systematic N2 admission)) [4] S36 (TI patient N3 (evaluat* OR sorting OR sort)) OR (AB patient N3 (evaluat* OR sorting OR sort)) [1,288] S37 S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 [2,670] S38 (TI "respirat* isolat*") OR (AB "respirat* isolat*") [122] S39 (TI (patient* OR inpatient* OR in-patient* OR outpatient* OR out-patient*) N2 isolat*) OR (AB (patient* OR inpatient* OR in-patient* OR outpatient* OR out-patient*) N2 isolat*) [4,232] S40 (TI "air* infect* isolat*") OR (AB "air* infect* isolat*") [20] S41 (TI AII) OR (AB AII) [132] S42 (TI "air* isolat*") OR (AB "air* isolat*") [13] S43 (TI "negative-pressure isolat*") OR (AB "negative-pressure isolat*") [20] S44 (TI "negative-pressure room*" OR (AB "negative-pressure room*") [16] S45 (TI "spatial separat*") OR (AB "spatial separat*") [51] S46 (TI distancing) OR (AB distancing) [168] S47 S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 [4,693] S48 S7 OR S31 OR S37 OR S47 [10,174] S49 S4 AND S48 [3,543] S50 S49 Limiters - Language: English, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish [3,321] Web of Science Core Collection Dates:Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1970-present; Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) --1970-present; Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) --1975-present; Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) --1990-present; Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) --1990-present; Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) --2015-present. Data last updated: 2017-11-09. Search run on 10 November 2017. # 1 TOPIC: (tuberculosis or tuberculin or tb) [161,059] # 2 TOPIC: ("administrat* control" or (administrat* NEAR/3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control"))) [541] # 3 TOPIC: ("bacteri* suscept*" or "suscept* test*" or "sensitiv* test*" or ADST or "molecul* screen*" or genexpert or xpert or "line probe assay" or "molecular assay" or "nucleic acid amplification test*" or naat or naats or mtbdrplus or "rifampicin resistan*" or "isoniazid resistan*") [34,700] # 4 TOPIC: (infect* or transmis* or transmit* or expos* or acquisition* or acquire* or risk*) [6,204,302] # 5 #4 AND #3 [15,653] # 6 TOPIC: (triage or ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) NEAR/2 (severity or priority or prioriti?e)) or "assign priority" or (systematic NEAR/2 admission) or (patient NEAR/3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort))) [173,165] # 7 TOPIC: ("respirat* isolat*" or ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) NEAR/2 isolat*) or "air* infect* isolat*" or aii or "air* isolat*" or "negative-pressure isolat*" or "negative-pressure room*" or "spatial separat*" or distancing) [770,486] # 8 #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #2 [955,325] # 9 #8 AND #1 [6,112] # 10 #8 AND #1 Refined by: LANGUAGES: ( ENGLISH OR RUSSIAN OR SPANISH OR JAPANESE OR FRENCH OR CHINESE OR PORTUGUESE ) [6,040] Web of Science Korean Journals Database, KCI Dates: 1980-present, data last updated 2017-11-02. Search run on 10 November 2017 # 1 TOPIC: (tuberculosis or tuberculin or tb) [2,365] # 2 TOPIC: ("administrat* control" or (administrat* NEAR/3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control"))) [103] # 3 TOPIC: ("bacteri* suscept*" or "suscept* test*" or "sensitiv* test*" or ADST or "molecul* screen*" or genexpert or xpert or "line probe assay" or "molecular assay" or "nucleic acid amplification test*" or naat or naats or mtbdrplus or "rifampicin resistan*" or "isoniazid resistan*") [755] # 4 TOPIC: (infect* or transmis* or transmit* or expos* or acquisition* or acquire* or risk*) [124,697] # 5 #4 AND #3 [284] # 6 TOPIC: (triage or ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) NEAR/2 (severity or priority or prioriti?e)) or "assign priority" or (systematic NEAR/2 admission) or (patient NEAR/3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort))) [3,698] # 7 TOPIC: ("respirat* isolat*" or ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) NEAR/2 isolat*) or "air* infect* isolat*" or aii or "air* isolat*" or "negative-pressure isolat*" or "negative-pressure room*" or "spatial separat*" or distancing) [21,933] # 8 #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #2 [25.893] # 9 #8 AND #1 [113] # 10 #8 AND #1 Refined by: LANGUAGES: ( ENGLISH ) [44] Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index Dates: 2005-present. Data last updated 2017/11/09. Search run on 11 November 2017 # 1 TOPIC: (tuberculosis or tuberculin or tb) [1,567] # 2 TOPIC: ("administrat* control" or (administrat* NEAR/3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control"))) [21] # 3 TOPIC: ("bacteri* suscept*" or "suscept* test*" or "sensitiv* test*" or ADST or "molecul* screen*" or genexpert or xpert or "line probe assay" or "molecular assay" or "nucleic acid amplification test*" or naat or naats or mtbdrplus or "rifampicin resistan*" or "isoniazid resistan*") [104] # 4 TOPIC: (infect* or transmis* or transmit* or expos* or acquisition* or acquire* or risk*) [38,339] # 5 #4 AND #3 [37] # 6 TOPIC: (triage or ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) NEAR/2 (severity or priority or prioriti?e)) or "assign priority" or (systematic NEAR/2 admission) or (patient NEAR/3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort))) [1,066] # 7 TOPIC: ("respirat* isolat*" or ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) NEAR/2 isolat*) or "air* infect* isolat*" or aii or "air* isolat*" or "negative-pressure isolat*" or "negative-pressure room*" or "spatial separat*" or distancing) [4,848] # 8 #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #2 [5,938] # 9 #8 AND #1 [46] Web of Science SciELO Citation Index Dates: 1997-present. Data last updated: 2017-11-09. Search run on 10 November 2017 # 1 TOPIC: (tuberculosis or tuberculin or tb) [3,854] # 2 TOPIC: ("administrat* control" or (administrat* NEAR/3 ("transmis* control" or "infect* control"))) [25] # 3 TOPIC: ("bacteri* suscept*" or "suscept* test*" or "sensitiv* test*" or ADST or "molecul* screen*" or genexpert or xpert or "line probe assay" or "molecular assay" or "nucleic acid amplification test*" or naat or naats or mtbdrplus or "rifampicin resistan*" or "isoniazid resistan*") [874] # 4 TOPIC: (infect* or transmis* or transmit* or expos* or acquisition* or acquire* or risk*) [93,654] # 5 #4 AND #3 [468] # 6 TOPIC: (triage or ((transfer or distribution or referral or referred or assessment or assess) NEAR/2 (severity or priority or prioriti?e)) or "assign priority" or (systematic NEAR/2 admission) or (patient NEAR/3 (evaluat* or sorting or sort))) [5,713] # 7 TOPIC: ("respirat* isolat*" or ((patient* or inpatient* or in-patient* or outpatient* or out-patient*) NEAR/2 isolat*) or "air* infect* isolat*" or aii or "air* isolat*" or "negative-pressure isolat*" or "negative-pressure room*" or "spatial separat*" or distancing) [8,377] # 8 #7 OR #6 OR #5 OR #2 [14,390] # 9 #8 AND #1 [215] Wiley Cochrane Library Dates: CDSR 2017 issue 11. Search run on 10 November 2017. #1 MeSH descriptor: [Tuberculosis] explode all trees #2 MeSH descriptor: [Mycobacterium tuberculosis] explode all trees #3 tuberculosis:ti,ab,kw #4 tuberculin:ti,ab,kw #5 tb:ti,ab,kw #6 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 #7 "administrat* control":ti,ab,kw #8 (administrat* near/3 "transmis* control") or (administrat* near/3 "infect* control"):ti,ab,kw #9 #7 or #8 #10 "bacteri* suscept*":ti,ab,kw #11 "suscept* test*":ti,ab,kw #12 "sensitive* test*":ti,ab,kw #13 adst:ti,ab,kw #14 "molecule* screen*":ti,ab,kw #15 genexpert:ti,ab,kw #16 xpert:ti,ab,kw #17 "line probe assay" :ti,ab,kw #18 "molecular assay" :ti,ab,kw #19 "nucleic acid amplification test*":ti,ab,kw #20 naat or naats:ti,ab,kw #21 mtbdrplus:ti,ab,kw #22 "rifampicin resistan*":ti,ab,kw #23 "isoniazid resistan*":ti,ab,kw #24 #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 #25 infect*:ti,ab,kw #26 transmis*:ti,ab,kw #27 transmit*:ti,ab,kw #28 expos*:ti,ab,kw #29 acquisition* or acquire*:ti,ab,kw #30 risk*:ti,ab,kw #31 #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 #32 #24 and #31 #33 MeSH descriptor: [Triage] explode all trees #34 triage:ti,ab,kw #35 (transfer near/2 severity) or (transfer near/2 priority) or (transfer near/2 prioriti?e) or (distribution near/2 severity) or (distribution near/2 priority) or (distribution near/2 prioriti?e) or (assessment near/2 severity) or (assessment near/2 priority) or (assessment near/2 prioriti?e) or (assess near/2 severity) or (assess near/2 priority) or (assess near/2 prioriti?e) :ti,ab,kw #36 "assign priority":ti,ab,kw #37 systematic near/2 admission:ti,ab,kw #38 (patient near/3 evaluat*) or (patient near/3 sorting) or (patient near/3 sort):ti,ab,kw #39 #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 #40 MeSH descriptor: [Patient Isolation] explode all trees #41 "respirat* isolat*":ti,ab,kw #42 (patient near/2 isolat*) or (inpatient near/2 isolat*) or (in-patient near/2 isolat*) or (outpatient near/2 isolat*) or (out-patient near/2 isolat*):ti,ab,kw #43 "air* infect* isolat*":ti,ab,kw #44 aii:ti,ab,kw #45 "air* isolat*":ti,ab,kw #46 "negative-pressure isolat*":ti,ab,kw #47 "negative-pressure room*":ti,ab,kw #48 "spatial separate*":ti,ab,kw #49 distancing:ti,ab,kw #50 #40 or #41 or #42 or #43 or #44 or #45 or #46 or #47 or #48 or #49 #51 #9 or #32 or #39 or #50 #52 #6 and #51 #53 MeSH descriptor: [Infectious Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient] explode all trees #54 MeSH descriptor: [Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional] explode all trees #55 #53 or #54 #56 #6 or #55 #57 #52 or #56 Results All Results (203) Cochrane Reviews (19) Other Reviews (3) Trials (161) Methods Studies (2) Technology Assessments (1) Economic Evaluations (17) Cochrane Groups (0) Elsevier SCOPUS Dates: Full database searched. Search run on 10 November 2017. ( ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( tuberculosis ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( tuberculin ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( tb ) ) ) AND (( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("administrat* control" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( administrat* W/3 "transmis* control" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( administrat* W/3 "infect* control" ) ) OR ((( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("bacteri* suscept*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "suscept* test*") ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("sensitiv* test*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( adst) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("molecul* screen*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( genexpert) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (xpert ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("line probe assay" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("molecular assay" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("nucleic acid amplification test*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( naat) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( naats) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( mtbdrplus) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "rifampicin resistan*") ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "isoniazid resistan*") ) ) AND (( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( infect*) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( transmis*) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( transmit*) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (expos* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( acquisition*) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (acquire* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( risk*) )) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (triage ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (transfer W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( transfer W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( transfer W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (distribution W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distribution W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distribution W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (referral W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( referral W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( referral W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (referred W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( referred W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( referred W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (assessment W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( assessment W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( assessment W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (assess W/2 severity ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( assess W/2 priority) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( assess W/2 prioriti?e) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("assign priority" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (systematic W/2 admission ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( patient W/3 evaluat*) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (patient W/3 sorting ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( patient W/3 sort) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("respirat* isolat*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (patient W/2 isolat* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (inpatient W/2 isolat* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (in-patient W/2 isolat* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (outpatient W/2 isolat* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (out-patient W/2 isolat* ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("air* infect* isolat*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( aii) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "air* isolat*") ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "negative-pressure isolat*") ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "negative-pressure room*") ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ("spatial separat*" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY (distancing ) ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "Russian" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "Japanese" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "Spanish" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "French" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "Chinese" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "Portuguese" ) ) [8679] Brieme Virtual Health Library LILACS Date: full database searched. Search run on 10 November 2017 (tuberculosis or tuberculin or tb) and ("administrat$ control" or "administrat$ transmis$ control" or "administrat$ infect$ control" or (("bacteri$ suscept$" or "suscept$ test$" or "sensitiv$ test$" or adst or "molecul$ screen$" or genexpert or xpert or "line probe assay" or "molecular assay" or "nucleic acid amplification test$" or naat or naats or mtbdrplus or "rifampicin resistan$" or "isoniazid resistan$") and (infect$ or transmis$ or transmit$ or expos$ or acquisition$ or acquire$ or risk$)) or triage or (transfer and severity) or (transfer and priority) or (transfer and prioritize) or (distribution and severity) or (distribution and priority) or (distribution and prioritize) or "assign priority" or (systematic and admission) or (patient and evaluat$) or (patient and sorting) or (patient and sort) or "respirat$ isolat$" or (patient$ and isolat$) or (inpatient$ and isolat$) or (in-patient$ and isolat$) or (outpatient$ and isolat$) or (out-patient$ and isolat$) or "air$ infect$ isolat$" or aii or "air$ isolat$" or "negative-pressure isolat$" or "negative-pressure room$" or "spatial separat$" or distancing) [527]